XML Schema Documentation

Table of Contents


Schema Document Properties

Target Namespace http://xml.ra.se/EAD
Version 1.01
Element and Attribute Namespaces
  • Global element and attribute declarations belong to this schema's target namespace.
  • By default, local element declarations belong to this schema's target namespace.
  • By default, local attribute declarations have no namespace.
Schema Composition
  • This schema imports schema(s) from the following namespace(s):
    • http://xml.ra.se/xlink (at http://xml.ra.se/EAD/RA_EAD_xlink.xsd)
Documentation Detta är Riksarkivets anpassning av det EAD-schema (version: beta, fil: ead.051211.xsd) som är framtaget av Society of American Archivist i samarbete med The Library of Congress.

Restricted schema version of EAD.XSD (version: beta, file: ead.051211.xsd) developed at the IT division of The National Archives of Sweden (http://www.ra.se/) for the purpose of importing local archival records to the National Archival Database (http://xml.ra.se/NAD/ ). The schema is made by the Society of American Archivist in cooperation with The Library of Congress.

Schemat kompletterat med eadgrp som saknas i beta-versionen. Karin Bredenberg, 2006-07-18

The schema complemented with eadgrp that are missing in the beta-version. Karin Bredenberg, 2006-07-18

I vår version och användandet av eadgrp så kan den innehålla eadheader samt archdescgrp. archdescgrp kan i sin tur innehålla en eller flera ead. Karin Bredenberg, 2006-07-26

In our version the element eadgrp only uses elements eadheader and archdescgrp. Archdescgrp have one ore more of the element ead. Karin Bredenberg, 2006-07-26

Visual Studio 2005 använt för ändringar av Karin Bredenberg, 2006-07-17

Edited with Visual Studio 2005 by Karin Bredenberg, 2006-07-17

Tagit bort onödiga returmatningar för att öka läsbarheten. Karin Bredenberg, 2006-07-17

Samtliga element: Tagit bort alternativet note, notestmt, table, blockquote, list, chronlist, emph i alla element. Karin Bredenberg, 2006-07-18

Samtliga element: Tagit bort alternativet thead, listhead samt head i alla element. Karin Bredenberg, 2006-07-19

Justering av import namespace för RA_EAD_xlink-schemat för att inte få kollisioner när RA_EAD schemat används inbäddat i tex. METS. Karin Bredenberg 2007-03-16.

Declared Namespaces

Prefix Namespace
Default namespace http://xml.ra.se/EAD
xml http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace
xs http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema
xlink http://xml.ra.se/xlink
Schema Component Representation
<xs:schema elementFormDefault="qualified" targetNamespace="http://xml.ra.se/EAD" version="1.01">
<xs:import namespace="http://xml.ra.se/xlink" schemaLocation="http://xml.ra.se/EAD/RA_EAD_xlink.xsd"/>

Global Declarations

Element: ead

Name ead
Type Locally-defined complex type
Nillable no
Abstract no
Documentation ead: Tagit bort frontmatter som alternativ. Karin Bredenberg, 2006-07-18
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
relatedencoding="anySimpleType [0..1]">
<eadheader> eadheader </eadheader> [1]
<archdesc> archdesc </archdesc> [1]
Schema Component Representation
<xs:element name="ead">
<xs:element name="eadheader" type=" eadheader "/>
<--<xs:element name="frontmatter" type="frontmatter" minOccurs="0"/>-->
<xs:element name="archdesc" type=" archdesc "/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>
<xs:attribute name="relatedencoding"/>

Element: eadgrp

Name eadgrp
Type Locally-defined complex type
Nillable no
Abstract no
Documentation eadgrp: Lagt till elementet eadgrp som inte finns i beta-versionen. Karin Bredenberg, 2006-07-18

eadgrp: Tagit bort frontmatter som alternativ. Karin Bredenberg, 2006-07-18

eadgrp: Justerat så att eadgrp endast innehåller en archdscgrp. Karin Bredenberg, 2006-07-26
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
relatedencoding="anySimpleType [0..1]">
<eadheader> eadheader </eadheader> [1]
<archdescgrp> archdescgrp </archdescgrp> [1]
Schema Component Representation
<xs:element name="eadgrp">
<xs:element name="eadheader" type=" eadheader "/>
<--<xs:element name="frontmatter" type="frontmatter"/>-->
<xs:element name="archdescgrp" type=" archdescgrp " maxOccurs="1"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>
<xs:attribute name="relatedencoding"/>

Global Definitions

Attribute Group: a.access

Name a.access
XML Instance Representation
source=" xs:NMTOKEN [0..1]"
rules=" xs:NMTOKEN [0..1]"
authfilenumber="anySimpleType [0..1]"
normal="anySimpleType [0..1]"
Schema Component Representation
<xs:attributeGroup name="a.access">
<xs:attribute name="source" type=" xs:NMTOKEN "/>
<xs:attribute name="rules" type=" xs:NMTOKEN "/>
<xs:attribute name="authfilenumber"/>
<xs:attribute name="normal"/>

Attribute Group: a.common

Name a.common
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
Schema Component Representation
<xs:attributeGroup name="a.common">
<xs:attribute name="id" type=" xs:ID "/>
<xs:attribute name="altrender"/>
<xs:attribute name="audience">
<xs:restriction base=" xs:token ">
<xs:enumeration value="external"/>
<xs:enumeration value="internal"/>

Attribute Group: a.desc.base

Name a.desc.base
Documentation a.desc.base: Ändrat så att otherlevel har fasta värden enligt importkoden. Karin Bredenberg, 2006-07-19
XML Instance Representation
otherlevel=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'volym'|'karta'|'mikrofilm'}) [0..1]"
encodinganalog="anySimpleType [0..1]"
Schema Component Representation
<xs:attributeGroup name="a.desc.base">
<xs:attribute name="otherlevel">
<xs:restriction base=" xs:token ">
<xs:enumeration value="volym"/>
<xs:enumeration value="karta"/>
<xs:enumeration value="mikrofilm"/>
<xs:attribute name="encodinganalog"/>

Attribute Group: a.desc.c

Name a.desc.c
Documentation a.desc.c: Gjort level-attributet tvingande. Karin Bredenberg, 2006-07-19
XML Instance Representation

id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
level=" av.level [1]"
otherlevel=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'volym'|'karta'|'mikrofilm'}) [0..1]"
encodinganalog="anySimpleType [0..1]"
tpattern=" xs:NMTOKEN [0..1]"
Schema Component Representation
<xs:attributeGroup name="a.desc.c">
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>
<xs:attribute name="level" type=" av.level " use="required"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.desc.base "/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" am.dsctab.tpattern "/>

Attribute Group: a.external.ptr

Name a.external.ptr
XML Instance Representation
entityref=" xs:ENTITY [0..1]"
xpointer="anySimpleType [0..1]"
Attribute group reference (not shown): xlink:type

Schema Component Representation
<xs:attributeGroup name="a.external.ptr">
<xs:attribute name="entityref" type=" xs:ENTITY "/>
<xs:attribute name="xpointer"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" simple "/>

Attribute Group: a.internal.ptr

Name a.internal.ptr
XML Instance Representation
target=" xs:IDREF [0..1]"
xpointer="anySimpleType [0..1]"
Attribute group reference (not shown): xlink:type

Schema Component Representation
<xs:attributeGroup name="a.internal.ptr">
<xs:attribute name="target" type=" xs:IDREF "/>
<xs:attribute name="xpointer"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" simple "/>

Attribute Group: a.loc.external.ptr

Name a.loc.external.ptr
XML Instance Representation
Attribute group reference (not shown): xlink:type3

entityref=" xs:ENTITY [0..1]"
xpointer="anySimpleType [0..1]"
Schema Component Representation
<xs:attributeGroup name="a.loc.external.ptr">
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" locator "/>
<xs:attribute name="entityref" type=" xs:ENTITY "/>
<xs:attribute name="xpointer"/>

Attribute Group: a.loc.internal.ptr

Name a.loc.internal.ptr
XML Instance Representation
Attribute group reference (not shown): xlink:type3

target=" xs:IDREF [0..1]"
xpointer="anySimpleType [0..1]"
Schema Component Representation
<xs:attributeGroup name="a.loc.internal.ptr">
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" locator "/>
<xs:attribute name="target" type=" xs:IDREF "/>
<xs:attribute name="xpointer"/>

Attribute Group: actuate

Name actuate
XML Instance Representation
Schema Component Representation
<xs:attributeGroup name="actuate">
<xs:attribute ref=" xlink:actuate " use="required"/>

Attribute Group: am.countrycode

Name am.countrycode
XML Instance Representation
countrycode=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'AF'|'AX'|'AL'|'DZ'|'AS'|'AD'|'AO'|'AI'|'AQ'|'AG'|'AR'|'AM'|'AW'|'AU'|'AT'|'AZ'|'BS'|'BH'|'BD'|'BB'|'BY'|'BE'|'BZ'|'BJ'|'BM'|'BT'|'BO'|'BA'|'BW'|'BV'|'BR'|'IO'|'BN'|'BG'|'BF'|'BI'|'KH'|'CM'|'CA'|'CV'|'KY'|'CF'|'TD'|'CL'|'CN'|'CX'|'CC'|'CO'|'KM'|'CG'|'CD'|'CK'|'CR'|'CI'|'HR'|'CU'|'CY'|'CZ'|'DK'|'DJ'|'DM'|'DO'|'EC'|'EG'|'SV'|'GQ'|'ER'|'EE'|'ET'|'FK'|'FO'|'FJ'|'FI'|'FR'|'GF'|'PF'|'TF'|'GA'|'GM'|'GE'|'DE'|'GH'|'GI'|'GR'|'GL'|'GD'|'GP'|'GU'|'GT'|'GN'|'GW'|'GY'|'HT'|'HM'|'VA'|'HN'|'HK'|'HU'|'IS'|'IN'|'ID'|'IR'|'IQ'|'IE'|'IL'|'IT'|'JM'|'JP'|'JO'|'KZ'|'KE'|'KI'|'KP'|'KR'|'KW'|'KG'|'LA'|'LV'|'LB'|'LS'|'LR'|'LY'|'LI'|'LT'|'LU'|'MO'|'MK'|'MG'|'MW'|'MY'|'MV'|'ML'|'MT'|'MH'|'MQ'|'MR'|'MU'|'YT'|'MX'|'FM'|'MD'|'MC'|'MN'|'MS'|'MA'|'MZ'|'MM'|'NA'|'NR'|'NP'|'NL'|'AN'|'NC'|'NZ'|'NI'|'NE'|'NG'|'NU'|'NF'|'MP'|'NO'|'OM'|'PK'|'PW'|'PS'|'PA'|'PG'|'PY'|'PE'|'PH'|'PN'|'PL'|'PT'|'PR'|'QA'|'RE'|'RO'|'RU'|'RW'|'SH'|'KN'|'LC'|'PM'|'VC'|'WS'|'SM'|'ST'|'SA'|'SN'|'CS'|'SC'|'SL'|'SG'|'SK'|'SI'|'SB'|'SO'|'ZA'|'GS'|'ES'|'LK'|'SD'|'SR'|'SJ'|'SZ'|'SE'|'CH'|'SY'|'TW'|'TJ'|'TZ'|'TH'|'TL'|'TG'|'TK'|'TO'|'TT'|'TN'|'TR'|'TM'|'TC'|'TV'|'UG'|'UA'|'AE'|'GB'|'US'|'UM'|'UY'|'UZ'|'VU'|'VE'|'VN'|'VG'|'VI'|'WF'|'EH'|'YE'|'ZM'|'ZW'}) [0..1]"
Schema Component Representation
<xs:attributeGroup name="am.countrycode">
<xs:attribute name="countrycode">
<xs:restriction base=" xs:token ">
<xs:enumeration value="AF"/>
<xs:enumeration value="AX"/>
<xs:enumeration value="AL"/>
<xs:enumeration value="DZ"/>
<xs:enumeration value="AS"/>
<xs:enumeration value="AD"/>
<xs:enumeration value="AO"/>
<xs:enumeration value="AI"/>
<xs:enumeration value="AQ"/>
<xs:enumeration value="AG"/>
<xs:enumeration value="AR"/>
<xs:enumeration value="AM"/>
<xs:enumeration value="AW"/>
<xs:enumeration value="AU"/>
<xs:enumeration value="AT"/>
<xs:enumeration value="AZ"/>
<xs:enumeration value="BS"/>
<xs:enumeration value="BH"/>
<xs:enumeration value="BD"/>
<xs:enumeration value="BB"/>
<xs:enumeration value="BY"/>
<xs:enumeration value="BE"/>
<xs:enumeration value="BZ"/>
<xs:enumeration value="BJ"/>
<xs:enumeration value="BM"/>
<xs:enumeration value="BT"/>
<xs:enumeration value="BO"/>
<xs:enumeration value="BA"/>
<xs:enumeration value="BW"/>
<xs:enumeration value="BV"/>
<xs:enumeration value="BR"/>
<xs:enumeration value="IO"/>
<xs:enumeration value="BN"/>
<xs:enumeration value="BG"/>
<xs:enumeration value="BF"/>
<xs:enumeration value="BI"/>
<xs:enumeration value="KH"/>
<xs:enumeration value="CM"/>
<xs:enumeration value="CA"/>
<xs:enumeration value="CV"/>
<xs:enumeration value="KY"/>
<xs:enumeration value="CF"/>
<xs:enumeration value="TD"/>
<xs:enumeration value="CL"/>
<xs:enumeration value="CN"/>
<xs:enumeration value="CX"/>
<xs:enumeration value="CC"/>
<xs:enumeration value="CO"/>
<xs:enumeration value="KM"/>
<xs:enumeration value="CG"/>
<xs:enumeration value="CD"/>
<xs:enumeration value="CK"/>
<xs:enumeration value="CR"/>
<xs:enumeration value="CI"/>
<xs:enumeration value="HR"/>
<xs:enumeration value="CU"/>
<xs:enumeration value="CY"/>
<xs:enumeration value="CZ"/>
<xs:enumeration value="DK"/>
<xs:enumeration value="DJ"/>
<xs:enumeration value="DM"/>
<xs:enumeration value="DO"/>
<xs:enumeration value="EC"/>
<xs:enumeration value="EG"/>
<xs:enumeration value="SV"/>
<xs:enumeration value="GQ"/>
<xs:enumeration value="ER"/>
<xs:enumeration value="EE"/>
<xs:enumeration value="ET"/>
<xs:enumeration value="FK"/>
<xs:enumeration value="FO"/>
<xs:enumeration value="FJ"/>
<xs:enumeration value="FI"/>
<xs:enumeration value="FR"/>
<xs:enumeration value="GF"/>
<xs:enumeration value="PF"/>
<xs:enumeration value="TF"/>
<xs:enumeration value="GA"/>
<xs:enumeration value="GM"/>
<xs:enumeration value="GE"/>
<xs:enumeration value="DE"/>
<xs:enumeration value="GH"/>
<xs:enumeration value="GI"/>
<xs:enumeration value="GR"/>
<xs:enumeration value="GL"/>
<xs:enumeration value="GD"/>
<xs:enumeration value="GP"/>
<xs:enumeration value="GU"/>
<xs:enumeration value="GT"/>
<xs:enumeration value="GN"/>
<xs:enumeration value="GW"/>
<xs:enumeration value="GY"/>
<xs:enumeration value="HT"/>
<xs:enumeration value="HM"/>
<xs:enumeration value="VA"/>
<xs:enumeration value="HN"/>
<xs:enumeration value="HK"/>
<xs:enumeration value="HU"/>
<xs:enumeration value="IS"/>
<xs:enumeration value="IN"/>
<xs:enumeration value="ID"/>
<xs:enumeration value="IR"/>
<xs:enumeration value="IQ"/>
<xs:enumeration value="IE"/>
<xs:enumeration value="IL"/>
<xs:enumeration value="IT"/>
<xs:enumeration value="JM"/>
<xs:enumeration value="JP"/>
<xs:enumeration value="JO"/>
<xs:enumeration value="KZ"/>
<xs:enumeration value="KE"/>
<xs:enumeration value="KI"/>
<xs:enumeration value="KP"/>
<xs:enumeration value="KR"/>
<xs:enumeration value="KW"/>
<xs:enumeration value="KG"/>
<xs:enumeration value="LA"/>
<xs:enumeration value="LV"/>
<xs:enumeration value="LB"/>
<xs:enumeration value="LS"/>
<xs:enumeration value="LR"/>
<xs:enumeration value="LY"/>
<xs:enumeration value="LI"/>
<xs:enumeration value="LT"/>
<xs:enumeration value="LU"/>
<xs:enumeration value="MO"/>
<xs:enumeration value="MK"/>
<xs:enumeration value="MG"/>
<xs:enumeration value="MW"/>
<xs:enumeration value="MY"/>
<xs:enumeration value="MV"/>
<xs:enumeration value="ML"/>
<xs:enumeration value="MT"/>
<xs:enumeration value="MH"/>
<xs:enumeration value="MQ"/>
<xs:enumeration value="MR"/>
<xs:enumeration value="MU"/>
<xs:enumeration value="YT"/>
<xs:enumeration value="MX"/>
<xs:enumeration value="FM"/>
<xs:enumeration value="MD"/>
<xs:enumeration value="MC"/>
<xs:enumeration value="MN"/>
<xs:enumeration value="MS"/>
<xs:enumeration value="MA"/>
<xs:enumeration value="MZ"/>
<xs:enumeration value="MM"/>
<xs:enumeration value="NA"/>
<xs:enumeration value="NR"/>
<xs:enumeration value="NP"/>
<xs:enumeration value="NL"/>
<xs:enumeration value="AN"/>
<xs:enumeration value="NC"/>
<xs:enumeration value="NZ"/>
<xs:enumeration value="NI"/>
<xs:enumeration value="NE"/>
<xs:enumeration value="NG"/>
<xs:enumeration value="NU"/>
<xs:enumeration value="NF"/>
<xs:enumeration value="MP"/>
<xs:enumeration value="NO"/>
<xs:enumeration value="OM"/>
<xs:enumeration value="PK"/>
<xs:enumeration value="PW"/>
<xs:enumeration value="PS"/>
<xs:enumeration value="PA"/>
<xs:enumeration value="PG"/>
<xs:enumeration value="PY"/>
<xs:enumeration value="PE"/>
<xs:enumeration value="PH"/>
<xs:enumeration value="PN"/>
<xs:enumeration value="PL"/>
<xs:enumeration value="PT"/>
<xs:enumeration value="PR"/>
<xs:enumeration value="QA"/>
<xs:enumeration value="RE"/>
<xs:enumeration value="RO"/>
<xs:enumeration value="RU"/>
<xs:enumeration value="RW"/>
<xs:enumeration value="SH"/>
<xs:enumeration value="KN"/>
<xs:enumeration value="LC"/>
<xs:enumeration value="PM"/>
<xs:enumeration value="VC"/>
<xs:enumeration value="WS"/>
<xs:enumeration value="SM"/>
<xs:enumeration value="ST"/>
<xs:enumeration value="SA"/>
<xs:enumeration value="SN"/>
<xs:enumeration value="CS"/>
<xs:enumeration value="SC"/>
<xs:enumeration value="SL"/>
<xs:enumeration value="SG"/>
<xs:enumeration value="SK"/>
<xs:enumeration value="SI"/>
<xs:enumeration value="SB"/>
<xs:enumeration value="SO"/>
<xs:enumeration value="ZA"/>
<xs:enumeration value="GS"/>
<xs:enumeration value="ES"/>
<xs:enumeration value="LK"/>
<xs:enumeration value="SD"/>
<xs:enumeration value="SR"/>
<xs:enumeration value="SJ"/>
<xs:enumeration value="SZ"/>
<xs:enumeration value="SE"/>
<xs:enumeration value="CH"/>
<xs:enumeration value="SY"/>
<xs:enumeration value="TW"/>
<xs:enumeration value="TJ"/>
<xs:enumeration value="TZ"/>
<xs:enumeration value="TH"/>
<xs:enumeration value="TL"/>
<xs:enumeration value="TG"/>
<xs:enumeration value="TK"/>
<xs:enumeration value="TO"/>
<xs:enumeration value="TT"/>
<xs:enumeration value="TN"/>
<xs:enumeration value="TR"/>
<xs:enumeration value="TM"/>
<xs:enumeration value="TC"/>
<xs:enumeration value="TV"/>
<xs:enumeration value="UG"/>
<xs:enumeration value="UA"/>
<xs:enumeration value="AE"/>
<xs:enumeration value="GB"/>
<xs:enumeration value="US"/>
<xs:enumeration value="UM"/>
<xs:enumeration value="UY"/>
<xs:enumeration value="UZ"/>
<xs:enumeration value="VU"/>
<xs:enumeration value="VE"/>
<xs:enumeration value="VN"/>
<xs:enumeration value="VG"/>
<xs:enumeration value="VI"/>
<xs:enumeration value="WF"/>
<xs:enumeration value="EH"/>
<xs:enumeration value="YE"/>
<xs:enumeration value="ZM"/>
<xs:enumeration value="ZW"/>

Attribute Group: am.date.normal

Name am.date.normal
XML Instance Representation
normal=" xs:token (pattern = (\-?(0|1|2)([0-9]{3})(((01|02|03|04|05|06|07|08|09|10|11|12)((0[1-9])|((1|2)[0-9])|(3[0-1])))|\-((01|02|03|04|05|06|07|08|09|10|11|12)(\-((0[1-9])|((1|2)[0-9])|(3[0-1])))?))?)(/\-?(0|1|2)([0-9]{3})(((01|02|03|04|05|06|07|08|09|10|11|12)((0[1-9])|((1|2)[0-9])|(3[0-1])))|\-((01|02|03|04|05|06|07|08|09|10|11|12)(\-((0[1-9])|((1|2)[0-9])|(3[0-1])))?))?)?) [0..1]"
Schema Component Representation
<xs:attributeGroup name="am.date.normal">
<xs:attribute name="normal">
<xs:restriction base=" xs:token ">
<xs:pattern value="(\-?(0|1|2)([0-9]{3})(((01|02|03|04|05|06|07|08|09|10|11|12)((0[1-9])|((1|2)[0-9])|(3[0-1])))|\-((01|02|03|04|05|06|07|08|09|10|11|12)(\-((0[1-9])|((1|2)[0-9])|(3[0-1])))?))?)(/\-?(0|1|2)([0-9]{3})(((01|02|03|04|05|06|07|08|09|10|11|12)((0[1-9])|((1|2)[0-9])|(3[0-1])))|\-((01|02|03|04|05|06|07|08|09|10|11|12)(\-((0[1-9])|((1|2)[0-9])|(3[0-1])))?))?)?"/>

Attribute Group: am.dates.calendar

Name am.dates.calendar
XML Instance Representation
calendar=" xs:NMTOKEN [0..1]"
Schema Component Representation
<xs:attributeGroup name="am.dates.calendar">
<xs:attribute name="calendar" type=" xs:NMTOKEN " default="gregorian"/>

Attribute Group: am.dates.era

Name am.dates.era
XML Instance Representation
era=" xs:NMTOKEN [0..1]"
Schema Component Representation
<xs:attributeGroup name="am.dates.era">
<xs:attribute name="era" type=" xs:NMTOKEN " default="ce"/>

Attribute Group: am.dsctab.tpattern

Name am.dsctab.tpattern
XML Instance Representation
tpattern=" xs:NMTOKEN [0..1]"
Schema Component Representation
<xs:attributeGroup name="am.dsctab.tpattern">
<xs:attribute name="tpattern" type=" xs:NMTOKEN "/>

Attribute Group: am.langcode

Name am.langcode
XML Instance Representation
langcode=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'aar'|'abk'|'ace'|'ach'|'ada'|'ady'|'afa'|'afh'|'afr'|'aka'|'akk'|'alb'|'ale'|'alg'|'amh'|'ang'|'apa'|'ara'|'arc'|'arg'|'arm'|'arn'|'arp'|'art'|'arw'|'asm'|'ast'|'ath'|'aus'|'ava'|'ave'|'awa'|'aym'|'aze'|'bad'|'bai'|'bak'|'bal'|'bam'|'ban'|'baq'|'bas'|'bat'|'bej'|'bel'|'bem'|'ben'|'ber'|'bho'|'bih'|'bik'|'bin'|'bis'|'bla'|'bnt'|'bod'|'bos'|'bra'|'bre'|'btk'|'bua'|'bug'|'bul'|'bur'|'bur'|'byn'|'cad'|'cai'|'car'|'cat'|'cau'|'ceb'|'cel'|'ces'|'cha'|'chb'|'che'|'chg'|'chi'|'chk'|'chm'|'chn'|'cho'|'chp'|'chr'|'chu'|'chv'|'chy'|'cmc'|'cop'|'cor'|'cos'|'cpe'|'cpf'|'cpp'|'cre'|'crh'|'crp'|'csb'|'cus'|'cym'|'cze'|'cze'|'dak'|'dan'|'dar'|'day'|'del'|'den'|'deu'|'dgr'|'din'|'div'|'doi'|'dra'|'dsb'|'dua'|'dum'|'dut'|'dut'|'dyu'|'dzo'|'efi'|'egy'|'eka'|'ell'|'elx'|'eng'|'enm'|'epo'|'est'|'eus'|'eus'|'ewe'|'ewo'|'fan'|'fao'|'fas'|'fat'|'fij'|'fil'|'fin'|'fiu'|'fon'|'fra'|'fre'|'frm'|'fro'|'fry'|'ful'|'fur'|'gaa'|'gay'|'gba'|'gem'|'geo'|'ger'|'gez'|'gil'|'gla'|'gle'|'glg'|'glv'|'gmh'|'goh'|'gon'|'gor'|'got'|'grb'|'grc'|'gre'|'gre'|'grn'|'guj'|'gwi'|'hai'|'hat'|'hau'|'haw'|'heb'|'her'|'hil'|'him'|'hin'|'hit'|'hmn'|'hmo'|'hrv'|'hsb'|'hun'|'hup'|'hye'|'iba'|'ibo'|'ice'|'ice'|'ido'|'iii'|'ijo'|'iku'|'ile'|'ilo'|'ina'|'inc'|'ind'|'ine'|'inh'|'ipk'|'ira'|'iro'|'isl'|'ita'|'jav'|'jbo'|'jpn'|'jpr'|'jrb'|'kaa'|'kab'|'kac'|'kal'|'kam'|'kan'|'kar'|'kas'|'kat'|'kau'|'kaw'|'kaz'|'kbd'|'kha'|'khi'|'khm'|'kho'|'kik'|'kin'|'kir'|'kmb'|'kok'|'kom'|'kon'|'kor'|'kos'|'kpe'|'krc'|'kro'|'kru'|'kua'|'kum'|'kur'|'kut'|'lad'|'lah'|'lam'|'lao'|'lat'|'lav'|'lez'|'lim'|'lin'|'lit'|'lol'|'loz'|'ltz'|'lua'|'lub'|'lug'|'lui'|'lun'|'luo'|'lus'|'mac'|'mad'|'mag'|'mah'|'mai'|'mak'|'mal'|'man'|'mao'|'mao'|'map'|'mar'|'mas'|'may'|'mdf'|'mdr'|'men'|'mga'|'mic'|'min'|'mis'|'mkd'|'mkh'|'mlg'|'mlt'|'mnc'|'mni'|'mno'|'moh'|'mol'|'mon'|'mos'|'mri'|'msa'|'mul'|'mun'|'mus'|'mwl'|'mwr'|'mya'|'myn'|'myv'|'nah'|'nai'|'nap'|'nau'|'nav'|'nbl'|'nde'|'ndo'|'nds'|'nep'|'new'|'nia'|'nic'|'niu'|'nld'|'nno'|'nob'|'nog'|'non'|'nor'|'nso'|'nub'|'nwc'|'nya'|'nym'|'nyn'|'nyo'|'nzi'|'oci'|'oji'|'ori'|'orm'|'osa'|'oss'|'ota'|'oto'|'paa'|'pag'|'pal'|'pam'|'pan'|'pap'|'pau'|'peo'|'per'|'phi'|'phn'|'pli'|'pol'|'pon'|'por'|'pra'|'pro'|'pus'|'que'|'raj'|'rap'|'rar'|'roa'|'roh'|'rom'|'ron'|'rum'|'run'|'rus'|'sad'|'sag'|'sah'|'sai'|'sal'|'sam'|'san'|'sas'|'sat'|'scc'|'scn'|'sco'|'scr'|'sel'|'sem'|'sga'|'sgn'|'shn'|'sid'|'sin'|'sio'|'sit'|'sla'|'slk'|'slo'|'slv'|'sma'|'sme'|'smi'|'smj'|'smn'|'smo'|'sms'|'sna'|'snd'|'snk'|'sog'|'som'|'son'|'sot'|'spa'|'sqi'|'srd'|'srp'|'srr'|'ssa'|'ssw'|'suk'|'sun'|'sus'|'sux'|'swa'|'swe'|'syr'|'tah'|'tai'|'tam'|'tat'|'tel'|'tem'|'ter'|'tet'|'tgk'|'tgl'|'tha'|'tib'|'tib'|'tig'|'tir'|'tiv'|'tkl'|'tlh'|'tli'|'tmh'|'tog'|'ton'|'tpi'|'tsi'|'tsn'|'tso'|'tuk'|'tum'|'tup'|'tur'|'tut'|'tvl'|'twi'|'tyv'|'udm'|'uga'|'uig'|'ukr'|'umb'|'und'|'urd'|'uzb'|'vai'|'ven'|'vie'|'vol'|'vot'|'wak'|'wal'|'war'|'was'|'wel'|'wen'|'wln'|'wol'|'xal'|'xho'|'yao'|'yap'|'yid'|'yor'|'ypk'|'zap'|'zen'|'zha'|'zho'|'znd'|'zul'|'zun'}) [0..1]"
Schema Component Representation
<xs:attributeGroup name="am.langcode">
<xs:attribute name="langcode">
<xs:restriction base=" xs:token ">
<xs:enumeration value="aar"/>
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<xs:enumeration value="ach"/>
<xs:enumeration value="ada"/>
<xs:enumeration value="ady"/>
<xs:enumeration value="afa"/>
<xs:enumeration value="afh"/>
<xs:enumeration value="afr"/>
<xs:enumeration value="aka"/>
<xs:enumeration value="akk"/>
<xs:enumeration value="alb"/>
<xs:enumeration value="ale"/>
<xs:enumeration value="alg"/>
<xs:enumeration value="amh"/>
<xs:enumeration value="ang"/>
<xs:enumeration value="apa"/>
<xs:enumeration value="ara"/>
<xs:enumeration value="arc"/>
<xs:enumeration value="arg"/>
<xs:enumeration value="arm"/>
<xs:enumeration value="arn"/>
<xs:enumeration value="arp"/>
<xs:enumeration value="art"/>
<xs:enumeration value="arw"/>
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<xs:enumeration value="ast"/>
<xs:enumeration value="ath"/>
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<xs:enumeration value="ave"/>
<xs:enumeration value="awa"/>
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<xs:enumeration value="bak"/>
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<xs:enumeration value="bik"/>
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<xs:enumeration value="bre"/>
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<xs:enumeration value="bur"/>
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<xs:enumeration value="dut"/>
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<xs:enumeration value="gre"/>
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<xs:enumeration value="gwi"/>
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<xs:enumeration value="mao"/>
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<xs:enumeration value="nde"/>
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<xs:enumeration value="niu"/>
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<xs:enumeration value="nno"/>
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<xs:enumeration value="snk"/>
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<xs:enumeration value="son"/>
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<xs:enumeration value="srp"/>
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<xs:enumeration value="sux"/>
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<xs:enumeration value="tha"/>
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<xs:enumeration value="tib"/>
<xs:enumeration value="tig"/>
<xs:enumeration value="tir"/>
<xs:enumeration value="tiv"/>
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<xs:enumeration value="tlh"/>
<xs:enumeration value="tli"/>
<xs:enumeration value="tmh"/>
<xs:enumeration value="tog"/>
<xs:enumeration value="ton"/>
<xs:enumeration value="tpi"/>
<xs:enumeration value="tsi"/>
<xs:enumeration value="tsn"/>
<xs:enumeration value="tso"/>
<xs:enumeration value="tuk"/>
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<xs:enumeration value="tup"/>
<xs:enumeration value="tur"/>
<xs:enumeration value="tut"/>
<xs:enumeration value="tvl"/>
<xs:enumeration value="twi"/>
<xs:enumeration value="tyv"/>
<xs:enumeration value="udm"/>
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<xs:enumeration value="urd"/>
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<xs:enumeration value="zun"/>

Attribute Group: am.mainagencycode

Name am.mainagencycode
Documentation am.mainagencycode: Justerat så att det endast ska vara type="xs:NMTOKEN" istället för type="data.repositorycode" för mainagencycode. Karin Bredenberg, 2006-07-26
XML Instance Representation
mainagencycode=" xs:NMTOKEN [0..1]"
Schema Component Representation
<xs:attributeGroup name="am.mainagencycode">
<xs:attribute name="mainagencycode" type=" xs:NMTOKEN "/>

Attribute Group: am.repositorycode

Name am.repositorycode
Documentation am.repositorycode: Justerat så att det endast ska vara type="xs:NMTOKEN" istället för type="data.repositorycode" för respositorycode. Karin Bredenberg, 2006-07-26
XML Instance Representation
repositorycode=" xs:NMTOKEN [0..1]"
Schema Component Representation
<xs:attributeGroup name="am.repositorycode">
<xs:attribute name="repositorycode" type=" xs:NMTOKEN "/>

Attribute Group: arcrole

Name arcrole
XML Instance Representation
Schema Component Representation
<xs:attributeGroup name="arcrole">
<xs:attribute ref=" xlink:arcrole " use="required"/>

Attribute Group: extended

Name extended
XML Instance Representation
Attribute group reference (not shown): xlink:type1

Schema Component Representation
<xs:attributeGroup name="extended">
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" extendedType "/>
<xs:attribute ref=" xlink:role "/>
<xs:attribute ref=" xlink:title "/>

Attribute Group: extended.atts

Name extended.atts
XML Instance Representation
Attribute group reference (not shown): xlink:type1

Schema Component Representation
<xs:attributeGroup name="extended.atts">
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" extendedType "/>
<xs:attribute ref=" xlink:role "/>
<xs:attribute ref=" xlink:title "/>

Attribute Group: extendedType

Name extendedType
XML Instance Representation
Attribute group reference (not shown): xlink:type1
Schema Component Representation
<xs:attributeGroup name="extendedType">
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" xlink:type1 "/>

Attribute Group: href

Name href
XML Instance Representation
Schema Component Representation
<xs:attributeGroup name="href">
<xs:attribute ref=" xlink:href " use="required"/>

Attribute Group: labelXlink

Name labelXlink
XML Instance Representation
Schema Component Representation

Attribute Group: locator

Name locator
XML Instance Representation
Attribute group reference (not shown): xlink:type3

Schema Component Representation
<xs:attributeGroup name="locator">
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" xlink:type3 "/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" href "/>
<xs:attribute ref=" xlink:role "/>
<xs:attribute ref=" xlink:title "/>
<xs:attribute ref=" xlink:label "/>

Attribute Group: role

Name role
XML Instance Representation
Schema Component Representation
<xs:attributeGroup name="role">
<xs:attribute ref=" xlink:role " use="required"/>

Attribute Group: show

Name show
XML Instance Representation
Schema Component Representation
<xs:attributeGroup name="show">
<xs:attribute ref=" xlink:show " use="required"/>

Attribute Group: simple

Name simple
Documentation simple: Ändrat så att attributen href samt role krävs. Karin Bredenberg, 2006-07-19
XML Instance Representation
Attribute group reference (not shown): xlink:type

Schema Component Representation
<xs:attributeGroup name="simple">
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" xlink:type "/>
<xs:attribute ref=" xlink:href " use="required"/>
<xs:attribute ref=" xlink:role " use="required"/>
<xs:attribute ref=" xlink:arcrole "/>
<xs:attribute ref=" xlink:title "/>
<xs:attribute ref=" xlink:show "/>
<xs:attribute ref=" xlink:actuate "/>

Attribute Group: title.att

Name title.att
XML Instance Representation
Schema Component Representation
<xs:attributeGroup name="title.att">
<xs:attribute ref=" xlink:title " use="required"/>

Complex Type: abbr

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name abbr
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
expan="anySimpleType [0..1]"/>
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="abbr" mixed="true">
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>
<xs:attribute name="expan"/>

Complex Type: abstract

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name abstract
Abstract no
Documentation abstract: Tagit bort valet att formatera texten mha html taggar. Karin Bredenberg, 2006-7-17

abstract: Tagit tillbaka valet att formatera text mha taggen emph som gör det möjligt att sätta bold, italic, underline. Karin Bredenberg, 2006-08-21
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
label="anySimpleType [0..1]"
encodinganalog="anySimpleType [0..1]"
type="anySimpleType [0..1]"
langcode=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'aar'|'abk'|'ace'|'ach'|'ada'|'ady'|'afa'|'afh'|'afr'|'aka'|'akk'|'alb'|'ale'|'alg'|'amh'|'ang'|'apa'|'ara'|'arc'|'arg'|'arm'|'arn'|'arp'|'art'|'arw'|'asm'|'ast'|'ath'|'aus'|'ava'|'ave'|'awa'|'aym'|'aze'|'bad'|'bai'|'bak'|'bal'|'bam'|'ban'|'baq'|'bas'|'bat'|'bej'|'bel'|'bem'|'ben'|'ber'|'bho'|'bih'|'bik'|'bin'|'bis'|'bla'|'bnt'|'bod'|'bos'|'bra'|'bre'|'btk'|'bua'|'bug'|'bul'|'bur'|'bur'|'byn'|'cad'|'cai'|'car'|'cat'|'cau'|'ceb'|'cel'|'ces'|'cha'|'chb'|'che'|'chg'|'chi'|'chk'|'chm'|'chn'|'cho'|'chp'|'chr'|'chu'|'chv'|'chy'|'cmc'|'cop'|'cor'|'cos'|'cpe'|'cpf'|'cpp'|'cre'|'crh'|'crp'|'csb'|'cus'|'cym'|'cze'|'cze'|'dak'|'dan'|'dar'|'day'|'del'|'den'|'deu'|'dgr'|'din'|'div'|'doi'|'dra'|'dsb'|'dua'|'dum'|'dut'|'dut'|'dyu'|'dzo'|'efi'|'egy'|'eka'|'ell'|'elx'|'eng'|'enm'|'epo'|'est'|'eus'|'eus'|'ewe'|'ewo'|'fan'|'fao'|'fas'|'fat'|'fij'|'fil'|'fin'|'fiu'|'fon'|'fra'|'fre'|'frm'|'fro'|'fry'|'ful'|'fur'|'gaa'|'gay'|'gba'|'gem'|'geo'|'ger'|'gez'|'gil'|'gla'|'gle'|'glg'|'glv'|'gmh'|'goh'|'gon'|'gor'|'got'|'grb'|'grc'|'gre'|'gre'|'grn'|'guj'|'gwi'|'hai'|'hat'|'hau'|'haw'|'heb'|'her'|'hil'|'him'|'hin'|'hit'|'hmn'|'hmo'|'hrv'|'hsb'|'hun'|'hup'|'hye'|'iba'|'ibo'|'ice'|'ice'|'ido'|'iii'|'ijo'|'iku'|'ile'|'ilo'|'ina'|'inc'|'ind'|'ine'|'inh'|'ipk'|'ira'|'iro'|'isl'|'ita'|'jav'|'jbo'|'jpn'|'jpr'|'jrb'|'kaa'|'kab'|'kac'|'kal'|'kam'|'kan'|'kar'|'kas'|'kat'|'kau'|'kaw'|'kaz'|'kbd'|'kha'|'khi'|'khm'|'kho'|'kik'|'kin'|'kir'|'kmb'|'kok'|'kom'|'kon'|'kor'|'kos'|'kpe'|'krc'|'kro'|'kru'|'kua'|'kum'|'kur'|'kut'|'lad'|'lah'|'lam'|'lao'|'lat'|'lav'|'lez'|'lim'|'lin'|'lit'|'lol'|'loz'|'ltz'|'lua'|'lub'|'lug'|'lui'|'lun'|'luo'|'lus'|'mac'|'mad'|'mag'|'mah'|'mai'|'mak'|'mal'|'man'|'mao'|'mao'|'map'|'mar'|'mas'|'may'|'mdf'|'mdr'|'men'|'mga'|'mic'|'min'|'mis'|'mkd'|'mkh'|'mlg'|'mlt'|'mnc'|'mni'|'mno'|'moh'|'mol'|'mon'|'mos'|'mri'|'msa'|'mul'|'mun'|'mus'|'mwl'|'mwr'|'mya'|'myn'|'myv'|'nah'|'nai'|'nap'|'nau'|'nav'|'nbl'|'nde'|'ndo'|'nds'|'nep'|'new'|'nia'|'nic'|'niu'|'nld'|'nno'|'nob'|'nog'|'non'|'nor'|'nso'|'nub'|'nwc'|'nya'|'nym'|'nyn'|'nyo'|'nzi'|'oci'|'oji'|'ori'|'orm'|'osa'|'oss'|'ota'|'oto'|'paa'|'pag'|'pal'|'pam'|'pan'|'pap'|'pau'|'peo'|'per'|'phi'|'phn'|'pli'|'pol'|'pon'|'por'|'pra'|'pro'|'pus'|'que'|'raj'|'rap'|'rar'|'roa'|'roh'|'rom'|'ron'|'rum'|'run'|'rus'|'sad'|'sag'|'sah'|'sai'|'sal'|'sam'|'san'|'sas'|'sat'|'scc'|'scn'|'sco'|'scr'|'sel'|'sem'|'sga'|'sgn'|'shn'|'sid'|'sin'|'sio'|'sit'|'sla'|'slk'|'slo'|'slv'|'sma'|'sme'|'smi'|'smj'|'smn'|'smo'|'sms'|'sna'|'snd'|'snk'|'sog'|'som'|'son'|'sot'|'spa'|'sqi'|'srd'|'srp'|'srr'|'ssa'|'ssw'|'suk'|'sun'|'sus'|'sux'|'swa'|'swe'|'syr'|'tah'|'tai'|'tam'|'tat'|'tel'|'tem'|'ter'|'tet'|'tgk'|'tgl'|'tha'|'tib'|'tib'|'tig'|'tir'|'tiv'|'tkl'|'tlh'|'tli'|'tmh'|'tog'|'ton'|'tpi'|'tsi'|'tsn'|'tso'|'tuk'|'tum'|'tup'|'tur'|'tut'|'tvl'|'twi'|'tyv'|'udm'|'uga'|'uig'|'ukr'|'umb'|'und'|'urd'|'uzb'|'vai'|'ven'|'vie'|'vol'|'vot'|'wak'|'wal'|'war'|'was'|'wel'|'wen'|'wln'|'wol'|'xal'|'xho'|'yao'|'yap'|'yid'|'yor'|'ypk'|'zap'|'zen'|'zha'|'zho'|'znd'|'zul'|'zun'}) [0..1]">
<!-- Mixed content -->
Start Group: m.phrase.basic [0..*]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [0..1]
End Choice
Start Choice [1]
<emph> emph </emph> [1]
End Choice
End Choice
End Choice
End Choice
End Group: m.phrase.basic
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="abstract" mixed="true">
<xs:group ref=" m.phrase.basic " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>
<xs:attribute name="label"/>
<xs:attribute name="encodinganalog"/>
<xs:attribute name="type"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" am.langcode "/>

Complex Type: accessrestrict

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name accessrestrict
Abstract no
Documentation accessrestrict: Tagit bort att kunna nästla accessrestrict-element. Karin Bredenberg 2006-07-17

accessrestrict: Tagit bort head elementet. Karin Bredenberg, 2006-07-17

accessrestrict: Lagt till ett note element som får förekomma en gång och tagit bort de andra elementen. Karin Bredenberg, 2006-07-19

accessrestrict: Gjort attributet type tvingande samt gjort en värde lista. Karin Bredenberg, 2006-08-18
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
encodinganalog="anySimpleType [0..1]"
type=" xs:string (value comes from list: {'Ja'|'Nej'|'Delvis'|'Okänt'}) [1]">
Start Choice [1]
<note> note </note> [1]
End Choice
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="accessrestrict">
<--<xs:element name="head" type="head" minOccurs="0"/>-->
<xs:choice maxOccurs="1">
<--<xs:group ref="m.blocks"/>-->
<--<xs:element name="legalstatus" type="legalstatus"/>-->
<xs:element name="note" type=" note "/>
<--<xs:element name="accessrestrict" type="accessrestrict"/>-->
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>
<xs:attribute name="encodinganalog"/>
<xs:attribute name="type" use="required">
<xs:restriction base=" xs:string ">
<xs:enumeration value="Ja"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Nej"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Delvis"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Okänt"/>

Complex Type: accruals

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name accruals
Abstract no
Documentation accruals: Ändrat så att accruals bara kan innehålla p-element. Karin Bredenberg, 2006-07-17
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
encodinganalog="anySimpleType [0..1]">
Start Choice [1..*]
<p> p </p> [1]
End Choice
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="accruals">
<--<xs:element name="head" type="head" minOccurs="0"/>-->
<xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:group ref=" m.blocks "/>
<--<xs:element name="accruals" type="accruals"/>-->
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>
<xs:attribute name="encodinganalog"/>

Complex Type: acqinfo

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name acqinfo
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
encodinganalog="anySimpleType [0..1]">
<head> head </head> [0..1]
Start Choice [1..*]
<p> p </p> [1]
<acqinfo> acqinfo </acqinfo> [1]
End Choice
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="acqinfo">
<xs:element name="head" type=" head " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:group ref=" m.blocks "/>
<xs:element name="acqinfo" type=" acqinfo "/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>
<xs:attribute name="encodinganalog"/>

Complex Type: address

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name address
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]">
<addressline> addressline </addressline> [1..*]
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="address">
<xs:element name="addressline" type=" addressline " maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>

Complex Type: addressline

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name addressline
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]">
<!-- Mixed content -->
Start Group: m.phrase.bare [0..*]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [0..1]
End Choice
Start Choice [1]
<emph> emph </emph> [1]
End Choice
End Choice
End Group: m.phrase.bare
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="addressline" mixed="true">
<xs:group ref=" m.phrase.bare " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>

Complex Type: altformavail

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name altformavail
Abstract no
Documentation altformavail: Ändrat så att altformavail bara kan innehålla p-element. Karin Bredenberg, 2006-07-17
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
encodinganalog="anySimpleType [0..1]"
type="anySimpleType [0..1]">
Start Choice [1..*]
<p> p </p> [1]
End Choice
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="altformavail">
<--<xs:element name="head" type="head" minOccurs="0"/>-->
<xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:group ref=" m.blocks "/>
<--<xs:element name="altformavail" type="altformavail"/>-->
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>
<xs:attribute name="encodinganalog"/>
<xs:attribute name="type"/>

Complex Type: appraisal

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name appraisal
Abstract no
Documentation appraisal: Ändrat så att appraisal bara kan innehålla p-element. Karin Bredenberg, 2006-07-17
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
encodinganalog="anySimpleType [0..1]">
Start Choice [1..*]
<p> p </p> [1]
End Choice
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="appraisal">
<--<xs:element name="head" type="head" minOccurs="0"/>-->
<xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:group ref=" m.blocks "/>
<--<xs:element name="appraisal" type="appraisal"/>-->
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>
<xs:attribute name="encodinganalog"/>

Complex Type: arc

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name arc
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
Attribute group reference (not shown): xlink:type4

id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="arc">
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" xlink:type4 "/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>
<xs:attribute ref=" xlink:arcrole "/>
<xs:attribute ref=" xlink:title "/>
<xs:attribute ref=" xlink:show "/>
<xs:attribute ref=" xlink:actuate "/>
<xs:attribute ref=" xlink:from "/>
<xs:attribute ref=" xlink:to "/>

Complex Type: archdesc

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name archdesc
Abstract no
Documentation archdesc: Ändrat så att m.desc.full endast får förekomma 1 gång. Karin Bredenberg, 2006-07-17
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
level=" av.level [1]"
otherlevel=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'volym'|'karta'|'mikrofilm'}) [0..1]"
encodinganalog="anySimpleType [0..1]"
type=" xs:NMTOKEN [0..1]"
relatedencoding="anySimpleType [0..1]">
<runner> runner </runner> [0..*]
<did> did </did> [1]
Start Group: m.desc.full [0..1]
Start Choice [0..*]
<accessrestrict> accessrestrict </accessrestrict> [0..1]
<accruals> accruals </accruals> [0..1]
<altformavail> altformavail </altformavail> [0..1]
<appraisal> appraisal </appraisal> [0..1]
<arrangement> arrangement </arrangement> [0..1]
<bibliography> bibliography </bibliography> [0..1]
<controlaccess> controlaccess </controlaccess> [0..1]
<custodhist> custodhist </custodhist> [0..1]
<odd> odd </odd> [0..1]
<otherfindaid> otherfindaid </otherfindaid> [0..1]
<phystech> phystech </phystech> [0..1]
<processinfo> processinfo </processinfo> [0..1]
<relatedmaterial> relatedmaterial </relatedmaterial> [0..1]
<scopecontent> scopecontent </scopecontent> [0..1]
<userestrict> userestrict </userestrict> [0..1]
End Choice
<dao> dao </dao> [0..*]
<daogrp> daogrp </daogrp> [0..*]
<dsc> dsc </dsc> [0..*]
End Group: m.desc.full
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="archdesc">
<xs:element name="runner" type=" runner " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:element name="did" type=" did "/>
<xs:group ref=" m.desc.full " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>
<xs:attribute name="level" type=" av.level " use="required"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.desc.base "/>
<xs:attribute name="type" type=" xs:NMTOKEN "/>
<xs:attribute name="relatedencoding"/>

Complex Type: archdescgrp

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name archdescgrp
Abstract no
Documentation archdescgrp: Lagt till archdescgrp som inte finns i beta-versionen. Karin Bredenberg, 2006-07-18

archdescgrp: Lagt till antal på dao. Karin Bredenberg, 2006-07-18

archdescgrp: Justerat så att archdescgrp endast innehåller 1 till flera ead. Karin Bredenberg, 2006-07-26

archdescgrp: Justerat så att attributet level är optional. Karin Bredenberg, 2006-07-31
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
level=" av.level [0..1]"
otherlevel=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'volym'|'karta'|'mikrofilm'}) [0..1]"
encodinganalog="anySimpleType [0..1]"
type=" xs:NMTOKEN [0..1]"
relatedencoding="anySimpleType [0..1]">
Start Choice [0..*]
<ead> ... </ead> [1..*]
End Choice
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="archdescgrp">
<--<xs:element name="runner" type="runner" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>-->
<--<xs:element name="did" type="did"/>-->
<xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<--<xs:group ref="m.desc.base"/>-->
<--<xs:element name="dscgrp" type="dscgrp"/>-->
<--<xs:element name="dao" type="dao" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>-->
<--<xs:element name="daogrp" type="daogrp"/>-->
<--<xs:element name="note" type="note"/>-->
<xs:element ref=" ead " minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>
<xs:attribute name="level" type=" av.level " use="optional"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.desc.base "/>
<xs:attribute name="type" type=" xs:NMTOKEN "/>
<xs:attribute name="relatedencoding"/>

Complex Type: archref

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name archref
Abstract no
Documentation archref: Ändrat så att attributet href är tvingande och det enda attributet. Karin Bredenberg, 2006-07-19

archref: Ändrat så att bara elementen title och unitid finns tillgängliga samt endast en gång. Karin Bredenberg, 2006-07-19
XML Instance Representation
<!-- Mixed content -->
Start Choice [0..*]
<title> title </title> [0..1]
<unitid> unitid </unitid> [0..1]
End Choice
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="archref" mixed="true">
<xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<--<xs:group ref="m.phrase.basic.norefs"/>-->
<--<xs:element name="bibref" type="bibref"/>-->
<--<xs:element name="ref" type="ref"/>-->
<xs:element name="title" type=" title " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
<--<xs:element name="extref" type="extref"/>-->
<--<xs:group ref="m.did"/>-->
<xs:element name="unitid" type=" unitid " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
<--<xs:attributeGroup ref="a.common"/>-->
<--<xs:attribute name="entityref" type="xs:ENTITY"/>-->
<--<xs:attribute name="xpointer"/>-->
<--<xs:attributeGroup ref="xlink:type"/>-->
<xs:attribute ref=" xlink:href " use="required"/>
<--<xs:attribute ref="xlink:role"/>-->
<--<xs:attribute ref="xlink:arcrole"/>-->
<--<xs:attribute ref="xlink:title"/>-->
<--<xs:attribute ref="xlink:show"/>-->
<--<xs:attribute ref="xlink:actuate"/>-->

Complex Type: arrangement

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name arrangement
Abstract no
Documentation arrangement: Ändrat så att arrangement bara kan innehålla p-element. Karin Bredenberg, 2006-07-17
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
encodinganalog="anySimpleType [0..1]">
Start Choice [1..*]
<p> p </p> [1]
End Choice
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="arrangement">
<--<xs:element name="head" type="head" minOccurs="0"/>-->
<xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:group ref=" m.blocks "/>
<--<xs:element name="arrangement" type="arrangement"/>-->
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>
<xs:attribute name="encodinganalog"/>

Complex Type: author

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name author
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
encodinganalog="anySimpleType [0..1]">
<!-- Mixed content -->
Start Group: m.phrase.bare [0..*]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [0..1]
End Choice
Start Choice [1]
<emph> emph </emph> [1]
End Choice
End Choice
End Group: m.phrase.bare
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="author" mixed="true">
<xs:group ref=" m.phrase.bare " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>
<xs:attribute name="encodinganalog"/>

Complex Type: bibliography

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name bibliography
Abstract no
Documentation bibliography: Ändrat så att bibliography enbart innehåller referens till bibref. Karin Bredenberg, 2006-07-17
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
encodinganalog="anySimpleType [0..1]">
<bibref> bibref </bibref> [1..*]
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="bibliography">
<xs:element name="bibref" type=" bibref " minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<--<xs:element name="head" type="head" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded"> <xs:group ref="m.blocks"/> <xs:group ref="m.refs"/> <xs:element name="bibliography" type="bibliography"/> </xs:choice>-->
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>
<xs:attribute name="encodinganalog"/>

Complex Type: bibref

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name bibref
Abstract no
Documentation bibref: Ändrat så att bibref enbart innehåller elementet title och endast en gång. Karin Bredenberg, 2006-07-17

bibref: Ändrat så att endast attributen href och role finns kvar. Karin Bredenberg, 2006-07-19

bibref: Ändrat så att attributet xlink:role är tvingande för att uppfylla importkoden. Karin Bredenberg, 2006-07-19
XML Instance Representation
<!-- Mixed content -->
Start Choice [0..1]
<title> title </title> [1]
End Choice
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="bibref" mixed="true">
<xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
<--<xs:group ref="m.phrase.basic.norefs"/>-->
<--<xs:element name="edition" type="edition"/>-->
<--<xs:element name="imprint" type="imprint"/>-->
<--<xs:element name="name" type="name"/>-->
<--<xs:element name="num" type="num"/>-->
<--<xs:element name="bibseries" type="bibseries"/>-->
<--<xs:element name="ref" type="ref"/>-->
<xs:element name="title" type=" title "/>
<--<xs:element name="famname" type="famname"/>-->
<--<xs:element name="persname" type="persname"/>-->
<--<xs:element name="corpname" type="corpname"/>-->
<--<xs:element name="extref" type="extref"/>-->
<--<xs:element name="archref" type="archref"/>-->
<--<xs:attributeGroup ref="a.common"/>-->
<--<xs:attribute name="entityref" type="xs:ENTITY"/>-->
<--<xs:attribute name="xpointer"/>-->
<--<xs:attributeGroup ref="xlink:type"/>-->
<xs:attribute ref=" xlink:href "/>
<xs:attribute ref=" xlink:role " use="required"/>
<--<xs:attribute ref="xlink:arcrole"/>-->
<--<xs:attribute ref="xlink:title"/>-->
<--<xs:attribute ref="xlink:show"/>-->
<--<xs:attribute ref="xlink:actuate"/>-->
<--<xs:attribute name="encodinganalog"/>-->

Complex Type: bibseries

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name bibseries
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
encodinganalog="anySimpleType [0..1]">
<!-- Mixed content -->
Start Choice [0..*]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [0..1]
End Choice
Start Choice [1]
<emph> emph </emph> [1]
End Choice
End Choice
<title> title </title> [1]
<num> num </num> [1]
End Choice
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="bibseries" mixed="true">
<xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:group ref=" m.phrase.bare "/>
<xs:element name="title" type=" title "/>
<xs:element name="num" type=" num "/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>
<xs:attribute name="encodinganalog"/>

Complex Type: bioghist

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name bioghist
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
encodinganalog="anySimpleType [0..1]">
<head> head </head> [0..1]
Start Choice [1..*]
<p> p </p> [1]
<bioghist> bioghist </bioghist> [1]
<dao> dao </dao> [1]
<daogrp> daogrp </daogrp> [1]
End Choice
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="bioghist">
<xs:element name="head" type=" head " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:group ref=" m.blocks "/>
<xs:element name="bioghist" type=" bioghist "/>
<xs:element name="dao" type=" dao "/>
<xs:element name="daogrp" type=" daogrp "/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>
<xs:attribute name="encodinganalog"/>

Complex Type: blockquote

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name blockquote
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]">
Start Choice [1..*]
Start Choice [1]
<address> address </address> [1]
End Choice
<p> p </p> [1]
End Choice
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="blockquote">
<xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:group ref=" m.inter.noquote "/>
<xs:element name="p" type=" p "/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>

Complex Type: c

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name c
Abstract no
Documentation c: Tagit bort så att c endast får innehålla m.desc.full 1 gång. Karin Bredenberg, 2006-07-17
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
level=" av.level [1]"
otherlevel=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'volym'|'karta'|'mikrofilm'}) [0..1]"
encodinganalog="anySimpleType [0..1]"
tpattern=" xs:NMTOKEN [0..1]">
<did> did </did> [1]
Start Group: m.desc.full [0..1]
Start Choice [0..*]
<accessrestrict> accessrestrict </accessrestrict> [0..1]
<accruals> accruals </accruals> [0..1]
<altformavail> altformavail </altformavail> [0..1]
<appraisal> appraisal </appraisal> [0..1]
<arrangement> arrangement </arrangement> [0..1]
<bibliography> bibliography </bibliography> [0..1]
<controlaccess> controlaccess </controlaccess> [0..1]
<custodhist> custodhist </custodhist> [0..1]
<odd> odd </odd> [0..1]
<otherfindaid> otherfindaid </otherfindaid> [0..1]
<phystech> phystech </phystech> [0..1]
<processinfo> processinfo </processinfo> [0..1]
<relatedmaterial> relatedmaterial </relatedmaterial> [0..1]
<scopecontent> scopecontent </scopecontent> [0..1]
<userestrict> userestrict </userestrict> [0..1]
End Choice
<dao> dao </dao> [0..*]
<daogrp> daogrp </daogrp> [0..*]
<dsc> dsc </dsc> [0..*]
End Group: m.desc.full
Start Sequence [0..*]
<c> c </c> [1..*]
End Sequence
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="c">
<--<xs:element name="head" type="head" minOccurs="0"/>-->
<xs:element name="did" type=" did "/>
<xs:group ref=" m.desc.full " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
<xs:sequence minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<--<xs:element name="thead" type="thead" minOccurs="0"/>-->
<xs:element name="c" type=" c " maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.desc.c "/>

Complex Type: c01

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name c01
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
level=" av.level [1]"
otherlevel=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'volym'|'karta'|'mikrofilm'}) [0..1]"
encodinganalog="anySimpleType [0..1]"
tpattern=" xs:NMTOKEN [0..1]">
<did> did </did> [1]
Start Group: m.desc.full [0..*]
Start Choice [0..*]
<accessrestrict> accessrestrict </accessrestrict> [0..1]
<accruals> accruals </accruals> [0..1]
<altformavail> altformavail </altformavail> [0..1]
<appraisal> appraisal </appraisal> [0..1]
<arrangement> arrangement </arrangement> [0..1]
<bibliography> bibliography </bibliography> [0..1]
<controlaccess> controlaccess </controlaccess> [0..1]
<custodhist> custodhist </custodhist> [0..1]
<odd> odd </odd> [0..1]
<otherfindaid> otherfindaid </otherfindaid> [0..1]
<phystech> phystech </phystech> [0..1]
<processinfo> processinfo </processinfo> [0..1]
<relatedmaterial> relatedmaterial </relatedmaterial> [0..1]
<scopecontent> scopecontent </scopecontent> [0..1]
<userestrict> userestrict </userestrict> [0..1]
End Choice
<dao> dao </dao> [0..*]
<daogrp> daogrp </daogrp> [0..*]
<dsc> dsc </dsc> [0..*]
End Group: m.desc.full
Start Sequence [0..*]
<c02> c02 </c02> [1..*]
End Sequence
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="c01">
<--<xs:element name="head" type="head" minOccurs="0"/>-->
<xs:element name="did" type=" did "/>
<xs:group ref=" m.desc.full " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:sequence minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<--<xs:element name="thead" type="thead" minOccurs="0"/>-->
<xs:element name="c02" type=" c02 " maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.desc.c "/>

Complex Type: c02

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name c02
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
level=" av.level [1]"
otherlevel=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'volym'|'karta'|'mikrofilm'}) [0..1]"
encodinganalog="anySimpleType [0..1]"
tpattern=" xs:NMTOKEN [0..1]">
<did> did </did> [1]
Start Group: m.desc.full [0..*]
Start Choice [0..*]
<accessrestrict> accessrestrict </accessrestrict> [0..1]
<accruals> accruals </accruals> [0..1]
<altformavail> altformavail </altformavail> [0..1]
<appraisal> appraisal </appraisal> [0..1]
<arrangement> arrangement </arrangement> [0..1]
<bibliography> bibliography </bibliography> [0..1]
<controlaccess> controlaccess </controlaccess> [0..1]
<custodhist> custodhist </custodhist> [0..1]
<odd> odd </odd> [0..1]
<otherfindaid> otherfindaid </otherfindaid> [0..1]
<phystech> phystech </phystech> [0..1]
<processinfo> processinfo </processinfo> [0..1]
<relatedmaterial> relatedmaterial </relatedmaterial> [0..1]
<scopecontent> scopecontent </scopecontent> [0..1]
<userestrict> userestrict </userestrict> [0..1]
End Choice
<dao> dao </dao> [0..*]
<daogrp> daogrp </daogrp> [0..*]
<dsc> dsc </dsc> [0..*]
End Group: m.desc.full
Start Sequence [0..*]
<c03> c03 </c03> [1..*]
End Sequence
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="c02">
<--<xs:element name="head" type="head" minOccurs="0"/>-->
<xs:element name="did" type=" did "/>
<xs:group ref=" m.desc.full " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:sequence minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<--<xs:element name="thead" type="thead" minOccurs="0"/>-->
<xs:element name="c03" type=" c03 " maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.desc.c "/>

Complex Type: c03

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name c03
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
level=" av.level [1]"
otherlevel=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'volym'|'karta'|'mikrofilm'}) [0..1]"
encodinganalog="anySimpleType [0..1]"
tpattern=" xs:NMTOKEN [0..1]">
<did> did </did> [1]
Start Group: m.desc.full [0..*]
Start Choice [0..*]
<accessrestrict> accessrestrict </accessrestrict> [0..1]
<accruals> accruals </accruals> [0..1]
<altformavail> altformavail </altformavail> [0..1]
<appraisal> appraisal </appraisal> [0..1]
<arrangement> arrangement </arrangement> [0..1]
<bibliography> bibliography </bibliography> [0..1]
<controlaccess> controlaccess </controlaccess> [0..1]
<custodhist> custodhist </custodhist> [0..1]
<odd> odd </odd> [0..1]
<otherfindaid> otherfindaid </otherfindaid> [0..1]
<phystech> phystech </phystech> [0..1]
<processinfo> processinfo </processinfo> [0..1]
<relatedmaterial> relatedmaterial </relatedmaterial> [0..1]
<scopecontent> scopecontent </scopecontent> [0..1]
<userestrict> userestrict </userestrict> [0..1]
End Choice
<dao> dao </dao> [0..*]
<daogrp> daogrp </daogrp> [0..*]
<dsc> dsc </dsc> [0..*]
End Group: m.desc.full
Start Sequence [0..*]
<c04> c04 </c04> [1..*]
End Sequence
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="c03">
<--<xs:element name="head" type="head" minOccurs="0"/>-->
<xs:element name="did" type=" did "/>
<xs:group ref=" m.desc.full " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:sequence minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<--<xs:element name="thead" type="thead" minOccurs="0"/>-->
<xs:element name="c04" type=" c04 " maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.desc.c "/>

Complex Type: c04

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name c04
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
level=" av.level [1]"
otherlevel=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'volym'|'karta'|'mikrofilm'}) [0..1]"
encodinganalog="anySimpleType [0..1]"
tpattern=" xs:NMTOKEN [0..1]">
<did> did </did> [1]
Start Group: m.desc.full [0..*]
Start Choice [0..*]
<accessrestrict> accessrestrict </accessrestrict> [0..1]
<accruals> accruals </accruals> [0..1]
<altformavail> altformavail </altformavail> [0..1]
<appraisal> appraisal </appraisal> [0..1]
<arrangement> arrangement </arrangement> [0..1]
<bibliography> bibliography </bibliography> [0..1]
<controlaccess> controlaccess </controlaccess> [0..1]
<custodhist> custodhist </custodhist> [0..1]
<odd> odd </odd> [0..1]
<otherfindaid> otherfindaid </otherfindaid> [0..1]
<phystech> phystech </phystech> [0..1]
<processinfo> processinfo </processinfo> [0..1]
<relatedmaterial> relatedmaterial </relatedmaterial> [0..1]
<scopecontent> scopecontent </scopecontent> [0..1]
<userestrict> userestrict </userestrict> [0..1]
End Choice
<dao> dao </dao> [0..*]
<daogrp> daogrp </daogrp> [0..*]
<dsc> dsc </dsc> [0..*]
End Group: m.desc.full
Start Sequence [0..*]
<c05> c05 </c05> [1..*]
End Sequence
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="c04">
<--<xs:element name="head" type="head" minOccurs="0"/>-->
<xs:element name="did" type=" did "/>
<xs:group ref=" m.desc.full " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:sequence minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<--<xs:element name="thead" type="thead" minOccurs="0"/>-->
<xs:element name="c05" type=" c05 " maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.desc.c "/>

Complex Type: c05

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name c05
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
level=" av.level [1]"
otherlevel=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'volym'|'karta'|'mikrofilm'}) [0..1]"
encodinganalog="anySimpleType [0..1]"
tpattern=" xs:NMTOKEN [0..1]">
<did> did </did> [1]
Start Group: m.desc.full [0..*]
Start Choice [0..*]
<accessrestrict> accessrestrict </accessrestrict> [0..1]
<accruals> accruals </accruals> [0..1]
<altformavail> altformavail </altformavail> [0..1]
<appraisal> appraisal </appraisal> [0..1]
<arrangement> arrangement </arrangement> [0..1]
<bibliography> bibliography </bibliography> [0..1]
<controlaccess> controlaccess </controlaccess> [0..1]
<custodhist> custodhist </custodhist> [0..1]
<odd> odd </odd> [0..1]
<otherfindaid> otherfindaid </otherfindaid> [0..1]
<phystech> phystech </phystech> [0..1]
<processinfo> processinfo </processinfo> [0..1]
<relatedmaterial> relatedmaterial </relatedmaterial> [0..1]
<scopecontent> scopecontent </scopecontent> [0..1]
<userestrict> userestrict </userestrict> [0..1]
End Choice
<dao> dao </dao> [0..*]
<daogrp> daogrp </daogrp> [0..*]
<dsc> dsc </dsc> [0..*]
End Group: m.desc.full
Start Sequence [0..*]
<c06> c06 </c06> [1..*]
End Sequence
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="c05">
<--<xs:element name="head" type="head" minOccurs="0"/>-->
<xs:element name="did" type=" did "/>
<xs:group ref=" m.desc.full " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:sequence minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<--<xs:element name="thead" type="thead" minOccurs="0"/>-->
<xs:element name="c06" type=" c06 " maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.desc.c "/>

Complex Type: c06

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name c06
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
level=" av.level [1]"
otherlevel=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'volym'|'karta'|'mikrofilm'}) [0..1]"
encodinganalog="anySimpleType [0..1]"
tpattern=" xs:NMTOKEN [0..1]">
<did> did </did> [1]
Start Group: m.desc.full [0..*]
Start Choice [0..*]
<accessrestrict> accessrestrict </accessrestrict> [0..1]
<accruals> accruals </accruals> [0..1]
<altformavail> altformavail </altformavail> [0..1]
<appraisal> appraisal </appraisal> [0..1]
<arrangement> arrangement </arrangement> [0..1]
<bibliography> bibliography </bibliography> [0..1]
<controlaccess> controlaccess </controlaccess> [0..1]
<custodhist> custodhist </custodhist> [0..1]
<odd> odd </odd> [0..1]
<otherfindaid> otherfindaid </otherfindaid> [0..1]
<phystech> phystech </phystech> [0..1]
<processinfo> processinfo </processinfo> [0..1]
<relatedmaterial> relatedmaterial </relatedmaterial> [0..1]
<scopecontent> scopecontent </scopecontent> [0..1]
<userestrict> userestrict </userestrict> [0..1]
End Choice
<dao> dao </dao> [0..*]
<daogrp> daogrp </daogrp> [0..*]
<dsc> dsc </dsc> [0..*]
End Group: m.desc.full
Start Sequence [0..*]
<c07> c07 </c07> [1..*]
End Sequence
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="c06">
<--<xs:element name="head" type="head" minOccurs="0"/>-->
<xs:element name="did" type=" did "/>
<xs:group ref=" m.desc.full " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:sequence minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<--<xs:element name="thead" type="thead" minOccurs="0"/>-->
<xs:element name="c07" type=" c07 " maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.desc.c "/>

Complex Type: c07

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name c07
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
level=" av.level [1]"
otherlevel=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'volym'|'karta'|'mikrofilm'}) [0..1]"
encodinganalog="anySimpleType [0..1]"
tpattern=" xs:NMTOKEN [0..1]">
<head> head </head> [0..1]
<did> did </did> [1]
Start Group: m.desc.full [0..*]
Start Choice [0..*]
<accessrestrict> accessrestrict </accessrestrict> [0..1]
<accruals> accruals </accruals> [0..1]
<altformavail> altformavail </altformavail> [0..1]
<appraisal> appraisal </appraisal> [0..1]
<arrangement> arrangement </arrangement> [0..1]
<bibliography> bibliography </bibliography> [0..1]
<controlaccess> controlaccess </controlaccess> [0..1]
<custodhist> custodhist </custodhist> [0..1]
<odd> odd </odd> [0..1]
<otherfindaid> otherfindaid </otherfindaid> [0..1]
<phystech> phystech </phystech> [0..1]
<processinfo> processinfo </processinfo> [0..1]
<relatedmaterial> relatedmaterial </relatedmaterial> [0..1]
<scopecontent> scopecontent </scopecontent> [0..1]
<userestrict> userestrict </userestrict> [0..1]
End Choice
<dao> dao </dao> [0..*]
<daogrp> daogrp </daogrp> [0..*]
<dsc> dsc </dsc> [0..*]
End Group: m.desc.full
Start Sequence [0..*]
<thead> thead </thead> [0..1]
<c08> c08 </c08> [1..*]
End Sequence
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="c07">
<xs:element name="head" type=" head " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="did" type=" did "/>
<xs:group ref=" m.desc.full " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:sequence minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:element name="thead" type=" thead " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="c08" type=" c08 " maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.desc.c "/>

Complex Type: c08

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name c08
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
level=" av.level [1]"
otherlevel=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'volym'|'karta'|'mikrofilm'}) [0..1]"
encodinganalog="anySimpleType [0..1]"
tpattern=" xs:NMTOKEN [0..1]">
<did> did </did> [1]
Start Group: m.desc.full [0..*]
Start Choice [0..*]
<accessrestrict> accessrestrict </accessrestrict> [0..1]
<accruals> accruals </accruals> [0..1]
<altformavail> altformavail </altformavail> [0..1]
<appraisal> appraisal </appraisal> [0..1]
<arrangement> arrangement </arrangement> [0..1]
<bibliography> bibliography </bibliography> [0..1]
<controlaccess> controlaccess </controlaccess> [0..1]
<custodhist> custodhist </custodhist> [0..1]
<odd> odd </odd> [0..1]
<otherfindaid> otherfindaid </otherfindaid> [0..1]
<phystech> phystech </phystech> [0..1]
<processinfo> processinfo </processinfo> [0..1]
<relatedmaterial> relatedmaterial </relatedmaterial> [0..1]
<scopecontent> scopecontent </scopecontent> [0..1]
<userestrict> userestrict </userestrict> [0..1]
End Choice
<dao> dao </dao> [0..*]
<daogrp> daogrp </daogrp> [0..*]
<dsc> dsc </dsc> [0..*]
End Group: m.desc.full
Start Sequence [0..*]
<c09> c09 </c09> [1..*]
End Sequence
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="c08">
<--<xs:element name="head" type="head" minOccurs="0"/>-->
<xs:element name="did" type=" did "/>
<xs:group ref=" m.desc.full " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:sequence minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<--<xs:element name="thead" type="thead" minOccurs="0"/>-->
<xs:element name="c09" type=" c09 " maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.desc.c "/>

Complex Type: c09

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name c09
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
level=" av.level [1]"
otherlevel=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'volym'|'karta'|'mikrofilm'}) [0..1]"
encodinganalog="anySimpleType [0..1]"
tpattern=" xs:NMTOKEN [0..1]">
<did> did </did> [1]
Start Group: m.desc.full [0..*]
Start Choice [0..*]
<accessrestrict> accessrestrict </accessrestrict> [0..1]
<accruals> accruals </accruals> [0..1]
<altformavail> altformavail </altformavail> [0..1]
<appraisal> appraisal </appraisal> [0..1]
<arrangement> arrangement </arrangement> [0..1]
<bibliography> bibliography </bibliography> [0..1]
<controlaccess> controlaccess </controlaccess> [0..1]
<custodhist> custodhist </custodhist> [0..1]
<odd> odd </odd> [0..1]
<otherfindaid> otherfindaid </otherfindaid> [0..1]
<phystech> phystech </phystech> [0..1]
<processinfo> processinfo </processinfo> [0..1]
<relatedmaterial> relatedmaterial </relatedmaterial> [0..1]
<scopecontent> scopecontent </scopecontent> [0..1]
<userestrict> userestrict </userestrict> [0..1]
End Choice
<dao> dao </dao> [0..*]
<daogrp> daogrp </daogrp> [0..*]
<dsc> dsc </dsc> [0..*]
End Group: m.desc.full
Start Sequence [0..*]
<c10> c10 </c10> [1..*]
End Sequence
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="c09">
<--<xs:element name="head" type="head" minOccurs="0"/>-->
<xs:element name="did" type=" did "/>
<xs:group ref=" m.desc.full " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:sequence minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<--<xs:element name="thead" type="thead" minOccurs="0"/>-->
<xs:element name="c10" type=" c10 " maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.desc.c "/>

Complex Type: c10

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name c10
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
level=" av.level [1]"
otherlevel=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'volym'|'karta'|'mikrofilm'}) [0..1]"
encodinganalog="anySimpleType [0..1]"
tpattern=" xs:NMTOKEN [0..1]">
<did> did </did> [1]
Start Group: m.desc.full [0..*]
Start Choice [0..*]
<accessrestrict> accessrestrict </accessrestrict> [0..1]
<accruals> accruals </accruals> [0..1]
<altformavail> altformavail </altformavail> [0..1]
<appraisal> appraisal </appraisal> [0..1]
<arrangement> arrangement </arrangement> [0..1]
<bibliography> bibliography </bibliography> [0..1]
<controlaccess> controlaccess </controlaccess> [0..1]
<custodhist> custodhist </custodhist> [0..1]
<odd> odd </odd> [0..1]
<otherfindaid> otherfindaid </otherfindaid> [0..1]
<phystech> phystech </phystech> [0..1]
<processinfo> processinfo </processinfo> [0..1]
<relatedmaterial> relatedmaterial </relatedmaterial> [0..1]
<scopecontent> scopecontent </scopecontent> [0..1]
<userestrict> userestrict </userestrict> [0..1]
End Choice
<dao> dao </dao> [0..*]
<daogrp> daogrp </daogrp> [0..*]
<dsc> dsc </dsc> [0..*]
End Group: m.desc.full
Start Sequence [0..*]
<c11> c11 </c11> [1..*]
End Sequence
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="c10">
<--<xs:element name="head" type="head" minOccurs="0"/>-->
<xs:element name="did" type=" did "/>
<xs:group ref=" m.desc.full " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:sequence minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<--<xs:element name="thead" type="thead" minOccurs="0"/>-->
<xs:element name="c11" type=" c11 " maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.desc.c "/>

Complex Type: c11

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name c11
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
level=" av.level [1]"
otherlevel=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'volym'|'karta'|'mikrofilm'}) [0..1]"
encodinganalog="anySimpleType [0..1]"
tpattern=" xs:NMTOKEN [0..1]">
<did> did </did> [1]
Start Group: m.desc.full [0..*]
Start Choice [0..*]
<accessrestrict> accessrestrict </accessrestrict> [0..1]
<accruals> accruals </accruals> [0..1]
<altformavail> altformavail </altformavail> [0..1]
<appraisal> appraisal </appraisal> [0..1]
<arrangement> arrangement </arrangement> [0..1]
<bibliography> bibliography </bibliography> [0..1]
<controlaccess> controlaccess </controlaccess> [0..1]
<custodhist> custodhist </custodhist> [0..1]
<odd> odd </odd> [0..1]
<otherfindaid> otherfindaid </otherfindaid> [0..1]
<phystech> phystech </phystech> [0..1]
<processinfo> processinfo </processinfo> [0..1]
<relatedmaterial> relatedmaterial </relatedmaterial> [0..1]
<scopecontent> scopecontent </scopecontent> [0..1]
<userestrict> userestrict </userestrict> [0..1]
End Choice
<dao> dao </dao> [0..*]
<daogrp> daogrp </daogrp> [0..*]
<dsc> dsc </dsc> [0..*]
End Group: m.desc.full
Start Sequence [0..*]
<c12> c12 </c12> [1..*]
End Sequence
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="c11">
<--<xs:element name="head" type="head" minOccurs="0"/>-->
<xs:element name="did" type=" did "/>
<xs:group ref=" m.desc.full " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:sequence minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<--<xs:element name="thead" type="thead" minOccurs="0"/>-->
<xs:element name="c12" type=" c12 " maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.desc.c "/>

Complex Type: c12

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name c12
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
level=" av.level [1]"
otherlevel=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'volym'|'karta'|'mikrofilm'}) [0..1]"
encodinganalog="anySimpleType [0..1]"
tpattern=" xs:NMTOKEN [0..1]">
<head> head </head> [0..1]
<did> did </did> [1]
Start Group: m.desc.full [0..*]
Start Choice [0..*]
<accessrestrict> accessrestrict </accessrestrict> [0..1]
<accruals> accruals </accruals> [0..1]
<altformavail> altformavail </altformavail> [0..1]
<appraisal> appraisal </appraisal> [0..1]
<arrangement> arrangement </arrangement> [0..1]
<bibliography> bibliography </bibliography> [0..1]
<controlaccess> controlaccess </controlaccess> [0..1]
<custodhist> custodhist </custodhist> [0..1]
<odd> odd </odd> [0..1]
<otherfindaid> otherfindaid </otherfindaid> [0..1]
<phystech> phystech </phystech> [0..1]
<processinfo> processinfo </processinfo> [0..1]
<relatedmaterial> relatedmaterial </relatedmaterial> [0..1]
<scopecontent> scopecontent </scopecontent> [0..1]
<userestrict> userestrict </userestrict> [0..1]
End Choice
<dao> dao </dao> [0..*]
<daogrp> daogrp </daogrp> [0..*]
<dsc> dsc </dsc> [0..*]
End Group: m.desc.full
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="c12">
<xs:element name="head" type=" head " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="did" type=" did "/>
<xs:group ref=" m.desc.full " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.desc.c "/>

Complex Type: change

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name change
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
encodinganalog="anySimpleType [0..1]">
<date> date </date> [1]
<item> item </item> [1..*]
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="change">
<xs:element name="date" type=" date "/>
<xs:element name="item" type=" item " maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>
<xs:attribute name="encodinganalog"/>

Complex Type: chronitem

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name chronitem
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]">
<date> date </date> [1]
Start Choice [1]
<event> event </event> [1]
<eventgrp> eventgrp </eventgrp> [1]
End Choice
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="chronitem">
<xs:element name="date" type=" date "/>
<xs:element name="event" type=" event "/>
<xs:element name="eventgrp" type=" eventgrp "/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>

Complex Type: chronlist

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name chronlist
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
encodinganalog="anySimpleType [0..1]">
<head> head </head> [0..1]
<listhead> listhead </listhead> [0..1]
<chronitem> chronitem </chronitem> [1..*]
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="chronlist">
<xs:element name="head" type=" head " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="listhead" type=" listhead " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="chronitem" type=" chronitem " maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>
<xs:attribute name="encodinganalog"/>

Complex Type: colspec

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name colspec
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
colnum=" xs:NMTOKEN [0..1]"
colname=" xs:NMTOKEN [0..1]"
colwidth="anySimpleType [0..1]"
colsep=" yesorno [0..1]"
rowsep=" yesorno [0..1]"
align=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'left'|'right'|'center'|'justify'|'char'}) [0..1]"
char="anySimpleType [0..1]"
charoff=" xs:NMTOKEN [0..1]"/>
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="colspec">
<xs:attribute name="colnum" type=" xs:NMTOKEN "/>
<xs:attribute name="colname" type=" xs:NMTOKEN "/>
<xs:attribute name="colwidth"/>
<xs:attribute name="colsep" type=" yesorno "/>
<xs:attribute name="rowsep" type=" yesorno "/>
<xs:attribute name="align">
<xs:restriction base=" xs:token ">
<xs:enumeration value="left"/>
<xs:enumeration value="right"/>
<xs:enumeration value="center"/>
<xs:enumeration value="justify"/>
<xs:enumeration value="char"/>
<xs:attribute name="char"/>
<xs:attribute name="charoff" type=" xs:NMTOKEN "/>

Complex Type: container

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name container
Abstract no
Documentation container: Lagt till att attributet container.type krävs. Karin Bredenberg, 2006-07-18

container: Tagit bort underelementen. Karin Bredenberg, 2006-07-18

container: Tagit tillbaka valet att formatera text mha taggen emph som gör det möjligt att sätta bold, italic, underline. Karin Bredenberg, 2006-08-21
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
label="anySimpleType [0..1]"
type=" xs:NMTOKEN [1]"
encodinganalog="anySimpleType [0..1]"
parent=" xs:IDREFS [0..1]">
<!-- Mixed content -->
Start Group: m.phrase.basic [0..*]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [0..1]
End Choice
Start Choice [1]
<emph> emph </emph> [1]
End Choice
End Choice
End Choice
End Choice
End Group: m.phrase.basic
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="container" mixed="true">
<xs:group ref=" m.phrase.basic " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>
<xs:attribute name="label"/>
<xs:attribute name="type" type=" xs:NMTOKEN " use="required"/>
<xs:attribute name="encodinganalog"/>
<xs:attribute name="parent" type=" xs:IDREFS "/>

Complex Type: controlaccess

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name controlaccess
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
encodinganalog="anySimpleType [0..1]">
<head> head </head> [0..1]
Start Choice [1..*]
<p> p </p> [1]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [1]
<corpname> corpname </corpname> [1]
<famname> famname </famname> [1]
<geogname> geogname </geogname> [1]
<name> name </name> [1]
<occupation> occupation </occupation> [1]
<persname> persname </persname> [1]
<subject> subject </subject> [1]
<genreform> genreform </genreform> [1]
<function> function </function> [1]
End Choice
<title> title </title> [1]
End Choice
<controlaccess> controlaccess </controlaccess> [1]
End Choice
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="controlaccess">
<xs:element name="head" type=" head " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:group ref=" m.blocks "/>
<xs:group ref=" m.access.title "/>
<xs:element name="controlaccess" type=" controlaccess "/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>
<xs:attribute name="encodinganalog"/>

Complex Type: corpname

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name corpname
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
source=" xs:NMTOKEN [0..1]"
rules=" xs:NMTOKEN [0..1]"
authfilenumber="anySimpleType [0..1]"
normal="anySimpleType [0..1]"
role="anySimpleType [0..1]"
encodinganalog="anySimpleType [0..1]">
<!-- Mixed content -->
Start Choice [0..*]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [0..1]
End Choice
Start Choice [1]
<emph> emph </emph> [1]
End Choice
End Choice
<subarea> subarea </subarea> [1]
End Choice
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="corpname" mixed="true">
<xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:group ref=" m.phrase.bare "/>
<xs:element name="subarea" type=" subarea "/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.access "/>
<xs:attribute name="role"/>
<xs:attribute name="encodinganalog"/>

Complex Type: creation

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name creation
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
encodinganalog="anySimpleType [0..1]">
<!-- Mixed content -->
Start Choice [0..*]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [0..1]
End Choice
Start Choice [1]
<emph> emph </emph> [1]
End Choice
End Choice
End Choice
End Choice
<date> date </date> [1]
End Choice
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="creation" mixed="true">
<xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:group ref=" m.phrase.basic "/>
<xs:element name="date" type=" date "/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>
<xs:attribute name="encodinganalog"/>

Complex Type: custodhist

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name custodhist
Abstract no
Documentation custodhist: Ändrat så att custodhist bara kan innehålla p-element. Karin Bredenberg, 2006-07-18
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
encodinganalog="anySimpleType [0..1]">
Start Choice [1..*]
<p> p </p> [1]
End Choice
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="custodhist">
<--<xs:element name="head" type="head" minOccurs="0"/>-->
<xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:group ref=" m.blocks "/>
<--<xs:element name="custodhist" type="custodhist"/>-->
<--<xs:element name="acqinfo" type="acqinfo"/>-->
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>
<xs:attribute name="encodinganalog"/>

Complex Type: dao

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name dao
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
entityref=" xs:ENTITY [0..1]"
xpointer="anySimpleType [0..1]"
Attribute group reference (not shown): xlink:type

<daodesc> daodesc </daodesc> [0..1]
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="dao">
<xs:element name="daodesc" type=" daodesc " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.external.ptr "/>

Complex Type: daodesc

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name daodesc
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]">
<head> head </head> [0..1]
Start Group: m.blocks [1..*]
<p> p </p> [1]
End Group: m.blocks
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="daodesc">
<xs:element name="head" type=" head " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:group ref=" m.blocks " maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>

Complex Type: daogrp

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name daogrp
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
Attribute group reference (not shown): xlink:type1

<daodesc> daodesc </daodesc> [0..1]
Start Choice [1..*]
<daoloc> daoloc </daoloc> [1]
Start Choice [1]
<resource> resource </resource> [1]
<arc> arc </arc> [1]
<ptrloc> ptrloc </ptrloc> [1]
<extptrloc> extptrloc </extptrloc> [1]
<refloc> refloc </refloc> [1]
<extrefloc> extrefloc </extrefloc> [1]
End Choice
End Choice
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="daogrp">
<xs:element name="daodesc" type=" daodesc " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:element name="daoloc" type=" daoloc "/>
<xs:group ref=" extended.els "/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" extended.atts "/>

Complex Type: daoloc

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name daoloc
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
Attribute group reference (not shown): xlink:type3

entityref=" xs:ENTITY [0..1]"
xpointer="anySimpleType [0..1]">
<daodesc> daodesc </daodesc> [0..1]
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="daoloc">
<xs:element name="daodesc" type=" daodesc " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.loc.external.ptr "/>

Complex Type: date

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name date
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
type="anySimpleType [0..1]"
era=" xs:NMTOKEN [0..1]"
calendar=" xs:NMTOKEN [0..1]"
normal=" xs:token (pattern = (\-?(0|1|2)([0-9]{3})(((01|02|03|04|05|06|07|08|09|10|11|12)((0[1-9])|((1|2)[0-9])|(3[0-1])))|\-((01|02|03|04|05|06|07|08|09|10|11|12)(\-((0[1-9])|((1|2)[0-9])|(3[0-1])))?))?)(/\-?(0|1|2)([0-9]{3})(((01|02|03|04|05|06|07|08|09|10|11|12)((0[1-9])|((1|2)[0-9])|(3[0-1])))|\-((01|02|03|04|05|06|07|08|09|10|11|12)(\-((0[1-9])|((1|2)[0-9])|(3[0-1])))?))?)?) [0..1]"
certainty="anySimpleType [0..1]"
encodinganalog="anySimpleType [0..1]">
<!-- Mixed content -->
Start Group: m.phrase.bare [0..*]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [0..1]
End Choice
Start Choice [1]
<emph> emph </emph> [1]
End Choice
End Choice
End Group: m.phrase.bare
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="date" mixed="true">
<xs:group ref=" m.phrase.bare " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>
<xs:attribute name="type"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" am.dates.era "/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" am.dates.calendar "/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" am.date.normal "/>
<xs:attribute name="certainty"/>
<xs:attribute name="encodinganalog"/>

Complex Type: defitem

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name defitem
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]">
<label> label </label> [1]
<item> item </item> [1]
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="defitem">
<xs:element name="label" type=" label "/>
<xs:element name="item" type=" item "/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>

Complex Type: descgrp

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name descgrp
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
type="anySimpleType [0..1]"
encodinganalog="anySimpleType [0..1]">
<head> head </head> [0..1]
Start Choice [1..*]
<p> p </p> [1]
Start Choice [0..*]
<accessrestrict> accessrestrict </accessrestrict> [0..1]
<accruals> accruals </accruals> [0..1]
<altformavail> altformavail </altformavail> [0..1]
<appraisal> appraisal </appraisal> [0..1]
<arrangement> arrangement </arrangement> [0..1]
<bibliography> bibliography </bibliography> [0..1]
<controlaccess> controlaccess </controlaccess> [0..1]
<custodhist> custodhist </custodhist> [0..1]
<odd> odd </odd> [0..1]
<otherfindaid> otherfindaid </otherfindaid> [0..1]
<phystech> phystech </phystech> [0..1]
<processinfo> processinfo </processinfo> [0..1]
<relatedmaterial> relatedmaterial </relatedmaterial> [0..1]
<scopecontent> scopecontent </scopecontent> [0..1]
<userestrict> userestrict </userestrict> [0..1]
End Choice
End Choice
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="descgrp">
<xs:element name="head" type=" head " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:group ref=" m.blocks "/>
<xs:group ref=" m.desc.base "/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>
<xs:attribute name="type"/>
<xs:attribute name="encodinganalog"/>

Complex Type: descrules

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name descrules
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
encodinganalog="anySimpleType [0..1]">
<!-- Mixed content -->
Start Group: m.phrase.basic [0..*]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [0..1]
End Choice
Start Choice [1]
<emph> emph </emph> [1]
End Choice
End Choice
End Choice
End Choice
End Group: m.phrase.basic
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="descrules" mixed="true">
<xs:group ref=" m.phrase.basic " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>
<xs:attribute name="encodinganalog"/>

Complex Type: did

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name did
Abstract no
Documentation did: Tagit bort head taggen. Karin Bredenberg, 2006-07-17

did: Ändrat så att m.did bara kan förekomma 1 gång. Karin Bredenberg, 2006-07-17
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
encodinganalog="anySimpleType [0..1]">
<abstract> abstract </abstract> [0..1]
<container> container </container> [0..*]
<unitid> unitid </unitid> [1]
<unittitle> unittitle </unittitle> [0..1]
<unitdate> unitdate </unitdate> [0..*]
<physdesc> physdesc </physdesc> [0..1]
<physloc> physloc </physloc> [0..1]
<origination> origination </origination> [0..*]
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="did">
<--<xs:element name="head" type="head" minOccurs="0"/>-->
<xs:group ref=" m.did " maxOccurs="1"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>
<xs:attribute name="encodinganalog"/>

Complex Type: dimensions

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name dimensions
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
label="anySimpleType [0..1]"
type="anySimpleType [0..1]"
unit="anySimpleType [0..1]"
encodinganalog="anySimpleType [0..1]">
<!-- Mixed content -->
Start Choice [0..*]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [0..1]
End Choice
Start Choice [1]
<emph> emph </emph> [1]
End Choice
End Choice
End Choice
End Choice
<dimensions> dimensions </dimensions> [1]
End Choice
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="dimensions" mixed="true">
<xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:group ref=" m.phrase.basic "/>
<xs:element name="dimensions" type=" dimensions "/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>
<xs:attribute name="label"/>
<xs:attribute name="type"/>
<xs:attribute name="unit"/>
<xs:attribute name="encodinganalog"/>

Complex Type: div

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name div
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]">
<head> head </head> [0..1]
Start Group: m.blocks [0..*]
<p> p </p> [1]
End Group: m.blocks
<div> div </div> [0..*]
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="div">
<xs:element name="head" type=" head " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:group ref=" m.blocks " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:element name="div" type=" div " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>

Complex Type: dsc

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name dsc
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
type=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'analyticover'|'combined'|'in-depth'|'othertype'}) [0..1]"
othertype=" xs:NMTOKEN [0..1]"
encodinganalog="anySimpleType [0..1]"
tpattern=" xs:NMTOKEN [0..1]">
Start Group: m.blocks [0..*]
<p> p </p> [1]
End Group: m.blocks
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [1]
Start Sequence [1..*]
<c> c </c> [1]
End Sequence
Start Sequence [1..*]
<c01> c01 </c01> [1]
End Sequence
End Choice
<dsc> dsc </dsc> [0..*]
End Choice
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="dsc">
<--<xs:element name="head" type="head" minOccurs="0"/>-->
<xs:group ref=" m.blocks " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<--<xs:element name="thead" type="thead" minOccurs="0"/>-->
<xs:sequence maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:element name="c" type=" c "/>
<--<xs:element name="thead" type="thead" minOccurs="0"/>-->
<xs:sequence maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:element name="c01" type=" c01 "/>
<--<xs:element name="thead" type="thead" minOccurs="0"/>-->
<xs:element name="dsc" type=" dsc " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>
<xs:attribute name="type">
<xs:restriction base=" xs:token ">
<xs:enumeration value="analyticover"/>
<xs:enumeration value="combined"/>
<xs:enumeration value="in-depth"/>
<xs:enumeration value="othertype"/>
<xs:attribute name="othertype" type=" xs:NMTOKEN "/>
<xs:attribute name="encodinganalog"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" am.dsctab.tpattern "/>

Complex Type: dscgrp

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name dscgrp
Abstract no
Documentation dscgrp: Lagt till dscgrp eftersom att den inte finns i beta-versionen. Karin Bredenberg, 2006-07-18
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
encodinganalog="anySimpleType [0..1]">
<head> head </head> [0..1]
Start Sequence [0..*]
<p> p </p> [1]
End Sequence
<ead> ... </ead> [1..*]
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="dscgrp">
<xs:element name="head" type=" head " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:sequence maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0">
<xs:group ref=" m.blocks "/>
<xs:element ref=" ead " maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>
<xs:attribute name="encodinganalog"/>

Complex Type: eadheader

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name eadheader
Abstract no
Documentation eadheader: Justerat attributen så att endast countryencoding, dateencoding, langencoding och repositoryencoding är kvar. Karin Bredenberg, 2006-07-18
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
langencoding=" xs:NMTOKEN [0..1]"
dateencoding=" xs:NMTOKEN [0..1]"
countryencoding=" xs:NMTOKEN [0..1]"
repositoryencoding=" xs:NMTOKEN [0..1]">
<eadid> eadid </eadid> [1]
<filedesc> filedesc </filedesc> [1]
<profiledesc> profiledesc </profiledesc> [0..1]
<revisiondesc> revisiondesc </revisiondesc> [0..1]
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="eadheader">
<xs:element name="eadid" type=" eadid "/>
<xs:element name="filedesc" type=" filedesc "/>
<xs:element name="profiledesc" type=" profiledesc " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="revisiondesc" type=" revisiondesc " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>
<xs:attribute name="langencoding" type=" xs:NMTOKEN " default="iso639-2b"/>
<--<xs:attribute name="scriptencoding" default="iso15924" type="xs:NMTOKEN"/>-->
<xs:attribute name="dateencoding" type=" xs:NMTOKEN " default="iso8601"/>
<xs:attribute name="countryencoding" type=" xs:NMTOKEN " default="iso3166-1"/>
<xs:attribute name="repositoryencoding" type=" xs:NMTOKEN " default="iso15511"/>
<--<xs:attribute name="relatedencoding"/>-->
<--<xs:attribute name="findaidstatus" type="xs:NMTOKEN"/>-->
<--<xs:attribute name="encodinganalog"/>-->

Complex Type: eadid

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name eadid
Abstract no
Documentation eadid: Justerat så att endast countrycode samt mainagencycode är kvar. Karin Bredenberg, 2006-07-18

eadid: Justerat så att det endast ska vara type="xs:NMTOKEN" istället för type="data.repositorycode" för mainagencycode. Karin Bredenberg, 2006-07-26
XML Instance Representation
countrycode=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'AF'|'AX'|'AL'|'DZ'|'AS'|'AD'|'AO'|'AI'|'AQ'|'AG'|'AR'|'AM'|'AW'|'AU'|'AT'|'AZ'|'BS'|'BH'|'BD'|'BB'|'BY'|'BE'|'BZ'|'BJ'|'BM'|'BT'|'BO'|'BA'|'BW'|'BV'|'BR'|'IO'|'BN'|'BG'|'BF'|'BI'|'KH'|'CM'|'CA'|'CV'|'KY'|'CF'|'TD'|'CL'|'CN'|'CX'|'CC'|'CO'|'KM'|'CG'|'CD'|'CK'|'CR'|'CI'|'HR'|'CU'|'CY'|'CZ'|'DK'|'DJ'|'DM'|'DO'|'EC'|'EG'|'SV'|'GQ'|'ER'|'EE'|'ET'|'FK'|'FO'|'FJ'|'FI'|'FR'|'GF'|'PF'|'TF'|'GA'|'GM'|'GE'|'DE'|'GH'|'GI'|'GR'|'GL'|'GD'|'GP'|'GU'|'GT'|'GN'|'GW'|'GY'|'HT'|'HM'|'VA'|'HN'|'HK'|'HU'|'IS'|'IN'|'ID'|'IR'|'IQ'|'IE'|'IL'|'IT'|'JM'|'JP'|'JO'|'KZ'|'KE'|'KI'|'KP'|'KR'|'KW'|'KG'|'LA'|'LV'|'LB'|'LS'|'LR'|'LY'|'LI'|'LT'|'LU'|'MO'|'MK'|'MG'|'MW'|'MY'|'MV'|'ML'|'MT'|'MH'|'MQ'|'MR'|'MU'|'YT'|'MX'|'FM'|'MD'|'MC'|'MN'|'MS'|'MA'|'MZ'|'MM'|'NA'|'NR'|'NP'|'NL'|'AN'|'NC'|'NZ'|'NI'|'NE'|'NG'|'NU'|'NF'|'MP'|'NO'|'OM'|'PK'|'PW'|'PS'|'PA'|'PG'|'PY'|'PE'|'PH'|'PN'|'PL'|'PT'|'PR'|'QA'|'RE'|'RO'|'RU'|'RW'|'SH'|'KN'|'LC'|'PM'|'VC'|'WS'|'SM'|'ST'|'SA'|'SN'|'CS'|'SC'|'SL'|'SG'|'SK'|'SI'|'SB'|'SO'|'ZA'|'GS'|'ES'|'LK'|'SD'|'SR'|'SJ'|'SZ'|'SE'|'CH'|'SY'|'TW'|'TJ'|'TZ'|'TH'|'TL'|'TG'|'TK'|'TO'|'TT'|'TN'|'TR'|'TM'|'TC'|'TV'|'UG'|'UA'|'AE'|'GB'|'US'|'UM'|'UY'|'UZ'|'VU'|'VE'|'VN'|'VG'|'VI'|'WF'|'EH'|'YE'|'ZM'|'ZW'}) [0..1]"
mainagencycode=" xs:NMTOKEN [0..1]"/>
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="eadid" mixed="true">
<--<xs:attribute name="publicid"/>-->
<--<xs:attribute name="urn"/>-->
<--<xs:attribute name="url"/>-->
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" am.countrycode "/>
<xs:attribute name="mainagencycode" type=" xs:NMTOKEN "/>
<--<xs:attribute name="identifier"/>-->
<--<xs:attribute name="encodinganalog"/>-->

Complex Type: edition

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name edition
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
encodinganalog="anySimpleType [0..1]">
<!-- Mixed content -->
Start Group: m.phrase.bare [0..*]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [0..1]
End Choice
Start Choice [1]
<emph> emph </emph> [1]
End Choice
End Choice
End Group: m.phrase.bare
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="edition" mixed="true">
<xs:group ref=" m.phrase.bare " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>
<xs:attribute name="encodinganalog"/>

Complex Type: editionstmt

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name editionstmt
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
encodinganalog="anySimpleType [0..1]">
Start Choice [1..*]
<edition> edition </edition> [1]
<p> p </p> [1]
End Choice
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="editionstmt">
<xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:element name="edition" type=" edition "/>
<xs:element name="p" type=" p "/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>
<xs:attribute name="encodinganalog"/>

Complex Type: emph

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name emph
Abstract no
Documentation emph: Justerat så att endast val av formatering är möjlig. Karin Bredenberg, 2006-08-21

emph: När elementet väljs är attributet render obligatoriskt. Karin Bredenberg, 2006-08-21
XML Instance Representation
render=" av.render [1]">
<!-- Mixed content -->
Start Group: m.phrase.basic [0..*]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [0..1]
End Choice
Start Choice [1]
<emph> emph </emph> [1]
End Choice
End Choice
End Choice
End Choice
End Group: m.phrase.basic
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="emph" mixed="true">
<xs:group ref=" m.phrase.basic " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:attribute name="render" type=" av.render " use="required"/>
<--<xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID"/>-->
<--<xs:attribute name="altrender"/>-->

Complex Type: entry

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name entry
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
colname=" xs:NMTOKEN [0..1]"
namest=" xs:NMTOKEN [0..1]"
nameend=" xs:NMTOKEN [0..1]"
morerows=" xs:NMTOKEN [0..1]"
colsep=" yesorno [0..1]"
rowsep=" yesorno [0..1]"
align=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'left'|'right'|'center'|'justify'|'char'}) [0..1]"
char="anySimpleType [0..1]"
charoff=" xs:NMTOKEN [0..1]"
valign=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'top'|'middle'|'bottom'}) [0..1]">
<!-- Mixed content -->
Start Choice [0..*]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [0..1]
End Choice
Start Choice [1]
<emph> emph </emph> [1]
End Choice
End Choice
End Choice
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [1]
<corpname> corpname </corpname> [1]
<famname> famname </famname> [1]
<geogname> geogname </geogname> [1]
<name> name </name> [1]
<occupation> occupation </occupation> [1]
<persname> persname </persname> [1]
<subject> subject </subject> [1]
<genreform> genreform </genreform> [1]
<function> function </function> [1]
End Choice
<date> date </date> [1]
<num> num </num> [1]
<origination> origination </origination> [1]
<repository> repository </repository> [1]
<unitdate> unitdate </unitdate> [1]
<unittitle> unittitle </unittitle> [1]
End Choice
End Choice
<address> address </address> [1]
End Choice
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="entry" mixed="true">
<xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:group ref=" m.phrase.plus "/>
<xs:element name="address" type=" address "/>
<--<xs:element name="list" type="list"/>-->
<--<xs:element name="note" type="note"/>-->
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>
<xs:attribute name="colname" type=" xs:NMTOKEN "/>
<xs:attribute name="namest" type=" xs:NMTOKEN "/>
<xs:attribute name="nameend" type=" xs:NMTOKEN "/>
<xs:attribute name="morerows" type=" xs:NMTOKEN "/>
<xs:attribute name="colsep" type=" yesorno "/>
<xs:attribute name="rowsep" type=" yesorno "/>
<xs:attribute name="align">
<xs:restriction base=" xs:token ">
<xs:enumeration value="left"/>
<xs:enumeration value="right"/>
<xs:enumeration value="center"/>
<xs:enumeration value="justify"/>
<xs:enumeration value="char"/>
<xs:attribute name="char"/>
<xs:attribute name="charoff" type=" xs:NMTOKEN "/>
<xs:attribute name="valign">
<xs:restriction base=" xs:token ">
<xs:enumeration value="top"/>
<xs:enumeration value="middle"/>
<xs:enumeration value="bottom"/>

Complex Type: event

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name event
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]">
<!-- Mixed content -->
Start Group: m.para.content [0..*]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [0..1]
End Choice
Start Choice [1]
<emph> emph </emph> [1]
End Choice
End Choice
End Choice
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [1]
<corpname> corpname </corpname> [1]
<famname> famname </famname> [1]
<geogname> geogname </geogname> [1]
<name> name </name> [1]
<occupation> occupation </occupation> [1]
<persname> persname </persname> [1]
<subject> subject </subject> [1]
<genreform> genreform </genreform> [1]
<function> function </function> [1]
End Choice
<date> date </date> [1]
<num> num </num> [1]
<origination> origination </origination> [1]
<repository> repository </repository> [1]
<unitdate> unitdate </unitdate> [1]
<unittitle> unittitle </unittitle> [1]
End Choice
End Choice
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [1]
<address> address </address> [1]
End Choice
End Choice
End Choice
End Group: m.para.content
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="event" mixed="true">
<xs:group ref=" m.para.content " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>

Complex Type: eventgrp

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name eventgrp
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]">
<event> event </event> [1..*]
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="eventgrp">
<xs:element name="event" type=" event " maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>

Complex Type: expan

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name expan
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
abbr="anySimpleType [0..1]"/>
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="expan" mixed="true">
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>
<xs:attribute name="abbr"/>

Complex Type: extent

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name extent
Abstract no
Documentation extent: Ändrat så att bara innehåller attributet unit och text. Karin Bredenberg, 2006-07-19

extent: Lagt till fasta attributvärden för @unit. Karin Bredenberg, 2006-07-31

extent: Tagit tillbaka valet att formatera text mha taggen emph som gör det möjligt att sätta bold, italic, underline. Karin Bredenberg, 2006-08-21
XML Instance Representation
unit=" xs:string (value comes from list: {'Hyllmeter'|'Volymer'|'Inbundna pappershandlingar'|'Buntade, pärmlagda eller kartonglagda pappershandlingar'|'Kartor'|'Ritningar'|'Mikrofilmrullar'|'Mikrofichekort'|'Spelfilmsrullar'|'Fotografier'|'Ljudupptagningar'|'Videoupptagningar'|'ADB-upptagningar'|'Föremål'|'fasc.'|'blad.'|'sid.'|'hyllm'|'hyllm.'|'vol'|'vol.'}) [0..1]">
<!-- Mixed content -->
Start Group: m.phrase.basic [0..*]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [0..1]
End Choice
Start Choice [1]
<emph> emph </emph> [1]
End Choice
End Choice
End Choice
End Choice
End Group: m.phrase.basic
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="extent" mixed="true">
<xs:group ref=" m.phrase.basic " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<--<xs:attributeGroup ref="a.common"/>-->
<--<xs:attribute name="label"/>-->
<--<xs:attribute name="type"/>-->
<xs:attribute name="unit">
<xs:restriction base=" xs:string ">
<xs:enumeration value="Hyllmeter"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Volymer"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Inbundna pappershandlingar"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Buntade, pärmlagda eller kartonglagda pappershandlingar"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Kartor"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Ritningar"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Mikrofilmrullar"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Mikrofichekort"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Spelfilmsrullar"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Fotografier"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Ljudupptagningar"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Videoupptagningar"/>
<xs:enumeration value="ADB-upptagningar"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Föremål"/>
<xs:enumeration value="fasc."/>
<xs:enumeration value="blad."/>
<xs:enumeration value="sid."/>
<xs:enumeration value="hyllm"/>
<xs:enumeration value="hyllm."/>
<xs:enumeration value="vol"/>
<xs:enumeration value="vol."/>
<--<xs:attribute name="encodinganalog"/>-->

Complex Type: extptr

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name extptr
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
entityref=" xs:ENTITY [0..1]"
xpointer="anySimpleType [0..1]"
Attribute group reference (not shown): xlink:type

Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="extptr">
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.external.ptr "/>

Complex Type: extptrloc

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name extptrloc
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
Attribute group reference (not shown): xlink:type3

entityref=" xs:ENTITY [0..1]"
xpointer="anySimpleType [0..1]"/>
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="extptrloc">
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.loc.external.ptr "/>

Complex Type: extref

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name extref
Abstract no
Documentation extref: Ändrat så att endast ett underelementet title finns och denna får finnas en gång och har inget innehåll. Karin Bredenberg, 2006-07-19
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
entityref=" xs:ENTITY [0..1]"
xpointer="anySimpleType [0..1]"
Attribute group reference (not shown): xlink:type

<!-- Mixed content -->
Start Choice [0..1]
<title> ... </title> [1]
End Choice
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="extref" mixed="true">
<xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
<--<xs:group ref="m.para.content.norefs"/>-->
<--<xs:element name="bibref" type="bibref"/>-->
<--<xs:element name="title" type="title"/>-->
<--<xs:element name="archref" type="archref"/>-->
<--<xs:element name="ref" type="ref"/>-->
<xs:element name="title"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.external.ptr "/>

Complex Type: extrefloc

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name extrefloc
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
Attribute group reference (not shown): xlink:type3

entityref=" xs:ENTITY [0..1]"
xpointer="anySimpleType [0..1]">
<!-- Mixed content -->
Start Group: m.para.content.norefs [0..*]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [0..1]
End Choice
Start Choice [1]
<emph> emph </emph> [1]
End Choice
End Choice
End Choice
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [1]
<corpname> corpname </corpname> [1]
<famname> famname </famname> [1]
<geogname> geogname </geogname> [1]
<name> name </name> [1]
<occupation> occupation </occupation> [1]
<persname> persname </persname> [1]
<subject> subject </subject> [1]
<genreform> genreform </genreform> [1]
<function> function </function> [1]
End Choice
<date> date </date> [1]
<num> num </num> [1]
<origination> origination </origination> [1]
<repository> repository </repository> [1]
<unitdate> unitdate </unitdate> [1]
<unittitle> unittitle </unittitle> [1]
End Choice
End Choice
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [1]
<address> address </address> [1]
End Choice
End Choice
End Choice
End Group: m.para.content.norefs
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="extrefloc" mixed="true">
<xs:group ref=" m.para.content.norefs " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.loc.external.ptr "/>

Complex Type: famname

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name famname
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
source=" xs:NMTOKEN [0..1]"
rules=" xs:NMTOKEN [0..1]"
authfilenumber="anySimpleType [0..1]"
normal="anySimpleType [0..1]"
role="anySimpleType [0..1]"
encodinganalog="anySimpleType [0..1]">
<!-- Mixed content -->
Start Group: m.phrase.bare [0..*]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [0..1]
End Choice
Start Choice [1]
<emph> emph </emph> [1]
End Choice
End Choice
End Group: m.phrase.bare
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="famname" mixed="true">
<xs:group ref=" m.phrase.bare " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.access "/>
<xs:attribute name="role"/>
<xs:attribute name="encodinganalog"/>

Complex Type: filedesc

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name filedesc
Abstract no
Documentation filedesc: Justerat så att endast titlestmt är kvar. Karin Bredenberg, 2006-07-18

filedesc: Lagt tillbaka notestmt. Karin Bredenberg, 2006-07-31
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
encodinganalog="anySimpleType [0..1]">
<titlestmt> titlestmt </titlestmt> [1]
<notestmt> notestmt </notestmt> [0..1]
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="filedesc">
<xs:element name="titlestmt" type=" titlestmt "/>
<--<xs:element name="editionstmt" type="editionstmt" minOccurs="0"/>-->
<--<xs:element name="publicationstmt" type="publicationstmt" minOccurs="0"/>-->
<--<xs:element name="seriesstmt" type="seriesstmt" minOccurs="0"/>-->
<xs:element name="notestmt" type=" notestmt " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>
<xs:attribute name="encodinganalog"/>

Complex Type: fileplan

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name fileplan
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
encodinganalog="anySimpleType [0..1]">
<head> head </head> [0..1]
Start Choice [1..*]
<p> p </p> [1]
<fileplan> fileplan </fileplan> [1]
End Choice
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="fileplan">
<xs:element name="head" type=" head " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:group ref=" m.blocks "/>
<xs:element name="fileplan" type=" fileplan "/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>
<xs:attribute name="encodinganalog"/>

Complex Type: frontmatter

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name frontmatter
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]">
<titlepage> titlepage </titlepage> [0..1]
<div> div </div> [0..*]
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="frontmatter">
<xs:element name="titlepage" type=" titlepage " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="div" type=" div " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>

Complex Type: function

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name function
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
source=" xs:NMTOKEN [0..1]"
rules=" xs:NMTOKEN [0..1]"
authfilenumber="anySimpleType [0..1]"
normal="anySimpleType [0..1]"
encodinganalog="anySimpleType [0..1]">
<!-- Mixed content -->
Start Group: m.phrase.bare [0..*]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [0..1]
End Choice
Start Choice [1]
<emph> emph </emph> [1]
End Choice
End Choice
End Group: m.phrase.bare
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="function" mixed="true">
<xs:group ref=" m.phrase.bare " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.access "/>
<xs:attribute name="encodinganalog"/>

Complex Type: genreform

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name genreform
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
type="anySimpleType [0..1]"
source=" xs:NMTOKEN [0..1]"
rules=" xs:NMTOKEN [0..1]"
authfilenumber="anySimpleType [0..1]"
normal="anySimpleType [0..1]"
encodinganalog="anySimpleType [0..1]">
<!-- Mixed content -->
Start Group: m.phrase.bare [0..*]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [0..1]
End Choice
Start Choice [1]
<emph> emph </emph> [1]
End Choice
End Choice
End Group: m.phrase.bare
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="genreform" mixed="true">
<xs:group ref=" m.phrase.bare " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>
<xs:attribute name="type"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.access "/>
<xs:attribute name="encodinganalog"/>

Complex Type: geogname

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name geogname
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
source=" xs:NMTOKEN [0..1]"
rules=" xs:NMTOKEN [0..1]"
authfilenumber="anySimpleType [0..1]"
normal="anySimpleType [0..1]"
role="anySimpleType [0..1]"
encodinganalog="anySimpleType [0..1]">
<!-- Mixed content -->
Start Group: m.phrase.bare [0..*]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [0..1]
End Choice
Start Choice [1]
<emph> emph </emph> [1]
End Choice
End Choice
End Group: m.phrase.bare
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="geogname" mixed="true">
<xs:group ref=" m.phrase.bare " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.access "/>
<xs:attribute name="role"/>
<xs:attribute name="encodinganalog"/>

Complex Type: head

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name head
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
althead="anySimpleType [0..1]">
<!-- Mixed content -->
Start Group: m.phrase.bare [0..*]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [0..1]
End Choice
Start Choice [1]
<emph> emph </emph> [1]
End Choice
End Choice
End Group: m.phrase.bare
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="head" mixed="true">
<xs:group ref=" m.phrase.bare " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>
<xs:attribute name="althead"/>

Complex Type: head01

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name head01
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]">
<!-- Mixed content -->
Start Group: m.phrase.bare [0..*]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [0..1]
End Choice
Start Choice [1]
<emph> emph </emph> [1]
End Choice
End Choice
End Group: m.phrase.bare
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="head01" mixed="true">
<xs:group ref=" m.phrase.bare " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>

Complex Type: head02

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name head02
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]">
<!-- Mixed content -->
Start Group: m.phrase.bare [0..*]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [0..1]
End Choice
Start Choice [1]
<emph> emph </emph> [1]
End Choice
End Choice
End Group: m.phrase.bare
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="head02" mixed="true">
<xs:group ref=" m.phrase.bare " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>

Complex Type: imprint

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name imprint
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
encodinganalog="anySimpleType [0..1]">
<!-- Mixed content -->
Start Choice [0..*]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [0..1]
End Choice
Start Choice [1]
<emph> emph </emph> [1]
End Choice
End Choice
<publisher> publisher </publisher> [1]
<geogname> geogname </geogname> [1]
<date> date </date> [1]
End Choice
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="imprint" mixed="true">
<xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:group ref=" m.phrase.bare "/>
<xs:element name="publisher" type=" publisher "/>
<xs:element name="geogname" type=" geogname "/>
<xs:element name="date" type=" date "/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>
<xs:attribute name="encodinganalog"/>

Complex Type: index

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name index
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
encodinganalog="anySimpleType [0..1]">
<head> head </head> [0..1]
Start Group: m.blocks [0..*]
<p> p </p> [1]
End Group: m.blocks
Start Choice [1]
<listhead> listhead </listhead> [0..1]
<indexentry> indexentry </indexentry> [1..*]
<index> index </index> [1..*]
End Choice
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="index">
<xs:element name="head" type=" head " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:group ref=" m.blocks " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:element name="listhead" type=" listhead " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="indexentry" type=" indexentry " maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:element name="index" type=" index " maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>
<xs:attribute name="encodinganalog"/>

Complex Type: indexentry

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name indexentry
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]">
Start Choice [1]
<namegrp> namegrp </namegrp> [1]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [1]
<corpname> corpname </corpname> [1]
<famname> famname </famname> [1]
<geogname> geogname </geogname> [1]
<name> name </name> [1]
<occupation> occupation </occupation> [1]
<persname> persname </persname> [1]
<subject> subject </subject> [1]
<genreform> genreform </genreform> [1]
<function> function </function> [1]
End Choice
<title> title </title> [1]
End Choice
End Choice
Start Choice [0..1]
<ptrgrp> ptrgrp </ptrgrp> [1]
<ptr> ptr </ptr> [1]
<ref> ref </ref> [1]
End Choice
<indexentry> indexentry </indexentry> [0..*]
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="indexentry">
<xs:element name="namegrp" type=" namegrp "/>
<xs:group ref=" m.access.title "/>
<xs:choice minOccurs="0">
<xs:element name="ptrgrp" type=" ptrgrp "/>
<xs:element name="ptr" type=" ptr "/>
<xs:element name="ref" type=" ref "/>
<xs:element name="indexentry" type=" indexentry " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>

Complex Type: item

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name item
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]">
<!-- Mixed content -->
Start Group: m.para.content [0..*]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [0..1]
End Choice
Start Choice [1]
<emph> emph </emph> [1]
End Choice
End Choice
End Choice
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [1]
<corpname> corpname </corpname> [1]
<famname> famname </famname> [1]
<geogname> geogname </geogname> [1]
<name> name </name> [1]
<occupation> occupation </occupation> [1]
<persname> persname </persname> [1]
<subject> subject </subject> [1]
<genreform> genreform </genreform> [1]
<function> function </function> [1]
End Choice
<date> date </date> [1]
<num> num </num> [1]
<origination> origination </origination> [1]
<repository> repository </repository> [1]
<unitdate> unitdate </unitdate> [1]
<unittitle> unittitle </unittitle> [1]
End Choice
End Choice
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [1]
<address> address </address> [1]
End Choice
End Choice
End Choice
End Group: m.para.content
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="item" mixed="true">
<xs:group ref=" m.para.content " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>

Complex Type: label

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name label
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]">
<!-- Mixed content -->
Start Group: m.phrase.plus [0..*]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [0..1]
End Choice
Start Choice [1]
<emph> emph </emph> [1]
End Choice
End Choice
End Choice
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [1]
<corpname> corpname </corpname> [1]
<famname> famname </famname> [1]
<geogname> geogname </geogname> [1]
<name> name </name> [1]
<occupation> occupation </occupation> [1]
<persname> persname </persname> [1]
<subject> subject </subject> [1]
<genreform> genreform </genreform> [1]
<function> function </function> [1]
End Choice
<date> date </date> [1]
<num> num </num> [1]
<origination> origination </origination> [1]
<repository> repository </repository> [1]
<unitdate> unitdate </unitdate> [1]
<unittitle> unittitle </unittitle> [1]
End Choice
End Choice
End Group: m.phrase.plus
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="label" mixed="true">
<xs:group ref=" m.phrase.plus " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>

Complex Type: langmaterial

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name langmaterial
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
label="anySimpleType [0..1]"
encodinganalog="anySimpleType [0..1]">
<!-- Mixed content -->
Start Choice [0..*]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [0..1]
End Choice
Start Choice [1]
<emph> emph </emph> [1]
End Choice
End Choice
End Choice
End Choice
<language> language </language> [1]
End Choice
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="langmaterial" mixed="true">
<xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:group ref=" m.phrase.basic "/>
<xs:element name="language" type=" language "/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>
<xs:attribute name="label"/>
<xs:attribute name="encodinganalog"/>

Complex Type: language

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name language
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
langcode=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'aar'|'abk'|'ace'|'ach'|'ada'|'ady'|'afa'|'afh'|'afr'|'aka'|'akk'|'alb'|'ale'|'alg'|'amh'|'ang'|'apa'|'ara'|'arc'|'arg'|'arm'|'arn'|'arp'|'art'|'arw'|'asm'|'ast'|'ath'|'aus'|'ava'|'ave'|'awa'|'aym'|'aze'|'bad'|'bai'|'bak'|'bal'|'bam'|'ban'|'baq'|'bas'|'bat'|'bej'|'bel'|'bem'|'ben'|'ber'|'bho'|'bih'|'bik'|'bin'|'bis'|'bla'|'bnt'|'bod'|'bos'|'bra'|'bre'|'btk'|'bua'|'bug'|'bul'|'bur'|'bur'|'byn'|'cad'|'cai'|'car'|'cat'|'cau'|'ceb'|'cel'|'ces'|'cha'|'chb'|'che'|'chg'|'chi'|'chk'|'chm'|'chn'|'cho'|'chp'|'chr'|'chu'|'chv'|'chy'|'cmc'|'cop'|'cor'|'cos'|'cpe'|'cpf'|'cpp'|'cre'|'crh'|'crp'|'csb'|'cus'|'cym'|'cze'|'cze'|'dak'|'dan'|'dar'|'day'|'del'|'den'|'deu'|'dgr'|'din'|'div'|'doi'|'dra'|'dsb'|'dua'|'dum'|'dut'|'dut'|'dyu'|'dzo'|'efi'|'egy'|'eka'|'ell'|'elx'|'eng'|'enm'|'epo'|'est'|'eus'|'eus'|'ewe'|'ewo'|'fan'|'fao'|'fas'|'fat'|'fij'|'fil'|'fin'|'fiu'|'fon'|'fra'|'fre'|'frm'|'fro'|'fry'|'ful'|'fur'|'gaa'|'gay'|'gba'|'gem'|'geo'|'ger'|'gez'|'gil'|'gla'|'gle'|'glg'|'glv'|'gmh'|'goh'|'gon'|'gor'|'got'|'grb'|'grc'|'gre'|'gre'|'grn'|'guj'|'gwi'|'hai'|'hat'|'hau'|'haw'|'heb'|'her'|'hil'|'him'|'hin'|'hit'|'hmn'|'hmo'|'hrv'|'hsb'|'hun'|'hup'|'hye'|'iba'|'ibo'|'ice'|'ice'|'ido'|'iii'|'ijo'|'iku'|'ile'|'ilo'|'ina'|'inc'|'ind'|'ine'|'inh'|'ipk'|'ira'|'iro'|'isl'|'ita'|'jav'|'jbo'|'jpn'|'jpr'|'jrb'|'kaa'|'kab'|'kac'|'kal'|'kam'|'kan'|'kar'|'kas'|'kat'|'kau'|'kaw'|'kaz'|'kbd'|'kha'|'khi'|'khm'|'kho'|'kik'|'kin'|'kir'|'kmb'|'kok'|'kom'|'kon'|'kor'|'kos'|'kpe'|'krc'|'kro'|'kru'|'kua'|'kum'|'kur'|'kut'|'lad'|'lah'|'lam'|'lao'|'lat'|'lav'|'lez'|'lim'|'lin'|'lit'|'lol'|'loz'|'ltz'|'lua'|'lub'|'lug'|'lui'|'lun'|'luo'|'lus'|'mac'|'mad'|'mag'|'mah'|'mai'|'mak'|'mal'|'man'|'mao'|'mao'|'map'|'mar'|'mas'|'may'|'mdf'|'mdr'|'men'|'mga'|'mic'|'min'|'mis'|'mkd'|'mkh'|'mlg'|'mlt'|'mnc'|'mni'|'mno'|'moh'|'mol'|'mon'|'mos'|'mri'|'msa'|'mul'|'mun'|'mus'|'mwl'|'mwr'|'mya'|'myn'|'myv'|'nah'|'nai'|'nap'|'nau'|'nav'|'nbl'|'nde'|'ndo'|'nds'|'nep'|'new'|'nia'|'nic'|'niu'|'nld'|'nno'|'nob'|'nog'|'non'|'nor'|'nso'|'nub'|'nwc'|'nya'|'nym'|'nyn'|'nyo'|'nzi'|'oci'|'oji'|'ori'|'orm'|'osa'|'oss'|'ota'|'oto'|'paa'|'pag'|'pal'|'pam'|'pan'|'pap'|'pau'|'peo'|'per'|'phi'|'phn'|'pli'|'pol'|'pon'|'por'|'pra'|'pro'|'pus'|'que'|'raj'|'rap'|'rar'|'roa'|'roh'|'rom'|'ron'|'rum'|'run'|'rus'|'sad'|'sag'|'sah'|'sai'|'sal'|'sam'|'san'|'sas'|'sat'|'scc'|'scn'|'sco'|'scr'|'sel'|'sem'|'sga'|'sgn'|'shn'|'sid'|'sin'|'sio'|'sit'|'sla'|'slk'|'slo'|'slv'|'sma'|'sme'|'smi'|'smj'|'smn'|'smo'|'sms'|'sna'|'snd'|'snk'|'sog'|'som'|'son'|'sot'|'spa'|'sqi'|'srd'|'srp'|'srr'|'ssa'|'ssw'|'suk'|'sun'|'sus'|'sux'|'swa'|'swe'|'syr'|'tah'|'tai'|'tam'|'tat'|'tel'|'tem'|'ter'|'tet'|'tgk'|'tgl'|'tha'|'tib'|'tib'|'tig'|'tir'|'tiv'|'tkl'|'tlh'|'tli'|'tmh'|'tog'|'ton'|'tpi'|'tsi'|'tsn'|'tso'|'tuk'|'tum'|'tup'|'tur'|'tut'|'tvl'|'twi'|'tyv'|'udm'|'uga'|'uig'|'ukr'|'umb'|'und'|'urd'|'uzb'|'vai'|'ven'|'vie'|'vol'|'vot'|'wak'|'wal'|'war'|'was'|'wel'|'wen'|'wln'|'wol'|'xal'|'xho'|'yao'|'yap'|'yid'|'yor'|'ypk'|'zap'|'zen'|'zha'|'zho'|'znd'|'zul'|'zun'}) [0..1]"
scriptcode=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'Arab'|'Armn'|'Bali'|'Batk'|'Beng'|'Blis'|'Bopo'|'Brah'|'Brai'|'Bugi'|'Buhd'|'Cans'|'Cham'|'Cher'|'Cirt'|'Copt'|'Cprt'|'Cyrl'|'Cyrs'|'Deva'|'Dsrt'|'Egyd'|'Egyh'|'Egyp'|'Ethi'|'Geok'|'Geor'|'Glag'|'Goth'|'Grek'|'Gujr'|'Guru'|'Hang'|'Hani'|'Hano'|'Hans'|'Hant'|'Hebr'|'Hira'|'Hmng'|'Hrkt'|'Hung'|'Inds'|'Ital'|'Java'|'Kali'|'Kana'|'Khar'|'Khmr'|'Knda'|'Laoo'|'Latf'|'Latg'|'Latn'|'Lepc'|'Limb'|'Lina'|'Linb'|'Mand'|'Maya'|'Mero'|'Mlym'|'Mong'|'Mymr'|'Nkoo'|'Ogam'|'Orkh'|'Orya'|'Osma'|'Perm'|'Phag'|'Phnx'|'Plrd'|'Qaaa'|'Qabx'|'Roro'|'Runr'|'Sara'|'Shaw'|'Sinh'|'Sylo'|'Syrc'|'Syre'|'Syrj'|'Syrn'|'Tagb'|'Tale'|'Talu'|'Taml'|'Telu'|'Teng'|'Tfng'|'Tglg'|'Thaa'|'Thai'|'Tibt'|'Ugar'|'Vaii'|'Visp'|'Xpeo'|'Xsux'|'Yiii'|'Zxxx'|'Zyyy'|'Zzzz'}) [0..1]"
encodinganalog="anySimpleType [0..1]">
<!-- Mixed content -->
Start Group: m.phrase.bare [0..*]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [0..1]
End Choice
Start Choice [1]
<emph> emph </emph> [1]
End Choice
End Choice
End Group: m.phrase.bare
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="language" mixed="true">
<xs:group ref=" m.phrase.bare " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" am.langcode "/>
<xs:attribute name="scriptcode">
<xs:restriction base=" xs:token ">
<xs:enumeration value="Arab"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Armn"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Bali"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Batk"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Beng"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Blis"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Bopo"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Brah"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Brai"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Bugi"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Buhd"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Cans"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Cham"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Cher"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Cirt"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Copt"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Cprt"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Cyrl"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Cyrs"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Deva"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Dsrt"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Egyd"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Egyh"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Egyp"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Ethi"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Geok"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Geor"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Glag"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Goth"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Grek"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Gujr"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Guru"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Hang"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Hani"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Hano"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Hans"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Hant"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Hebr"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Hira"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Hmng"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Hrkt"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Hung"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Inds"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Ital"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Java"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Kali"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Kana"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Khar"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Khmr"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Knda"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Laoo"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Latf"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Latg"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Latn"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Lepc"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Limb"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Lina"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Linb"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Mand"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Maya"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Mero"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Mlym"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Mong"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Mymr"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Nkoo"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Ogam"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Orkh"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Orya"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Osma"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Perm"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Phag"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Phnx"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Plrd"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Qaaa"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Qabx"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Roro"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Runr"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Sara"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Shaw"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Sinh"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Sylo"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Syrc"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Syre"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Syrj"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Syrn"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Tagb"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Tale"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Talu"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Taml"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Telu"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Teng"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Tfng"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Tglg"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Thaa"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Thai"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Tibt"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Ugar"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Vaii"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Visp"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Xpeo"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Xsux"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Yiii"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Zxxx"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Zyyy"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Zzzz"/>
<xs:attribute name="encodinganalog"/>

Complex Type: langusage

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name langusage
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
encodinganalog="anySimpleType [0..1]">
<!-- Mixed content -->
Start Choice [0..*]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [0..1]
End Choice
Start Choice [1]
<emph> emph </emph> [1]
End Choice
End Choice
End Choice
End Choice
<language> language </language> [1]
End Choice
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="langusage" mixed="true">
<xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:group ref=" m.phrase.basic "/>
<xs:element name="language" type=" language "/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>
<xs:attribute name="encodinganalog"/>

Complex Type: lb

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name lb
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="lb"/>

Complex Type: legalstatus

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name legalstatus
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
type=" xs:NMTOKEN [0..1]">
<!-- Mixed content -->
Start Choice [0..*]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [0..1]
End Choice
Start Choice [1]
<emph> emph </emph> [1]
End Choice
End Choice
<date> date </date> [1]
End Choice
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="legalstatus" mixed="true">
<xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:group ref=" m.phrase.bare "/>
<xs:element name="date" type=" date "/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>
<xs:attribute name="type" type=" xs:NMTOKEN "/>

Complex Type: linkgrp

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name linkgrp
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
Attribute group reference (not shown): xlink:type1

Start Group: extended.els [1..*]
Start Choice [1]
<resource> resource </resource> [1]
<arc> arc </arc> [1]
<ptrloc> ptrloc </ptrloc> [1]
<extptrloc> extptrloc </extptrloc> [1]
<refloc> refloc </refloc> [1]
<extrefloc> extrefloc </extrefloc> [1]
End Choice
End Group: extended.els
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="linkgrp">
<xs:group ref=" extended.els " maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" extended.atts "/>

Complex Type: list

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name list
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
type=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'simple'|'deflist'|'marked'|'ordered'}) [0..1]"
mark="anySimpleType [0..1]"
numeration=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'arabic'|'upperalpha'|'loweralpha'|'upperroman'|'lowerroman'}) [0..1]"
continuation=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'continues'|'starts'}) [0..1]">
<head> head </head> [0..1]
Start Choice [1]
<item> item </item> [1..*]
<listhead> listhead </listhead> [0..1]
<defitem> defitem </defitem> [1..*]
End Choice
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="list">
<xs:element name="head" type=" head " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="item" type=" item " maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:element name="listhead" type=" listhead " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="defitem" type=" defitem " maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>
<xs:attribute name="type">
<xs:restriction base=" xs:token ">
<xs:enumeration value="simple"/>
<xs:enumeration value="deflist"/>
<xs:enumeration value="marked"/>
<xs:enumeration value="ordered"/>
<xs:attribute name="mark"/>
<xs:attribute name="numeration">
<xs:restriction base=" xs:token ">
<xs:enumeration value="arabic"/>
<xs:enumeration value="upperalpha"/>
<xs:enumeration value="loweralpha"/>
<xs:enumeration value="upperroman"/>
<xs:enumeration value="lowerroman"/>
<xs:attribute name="continuation">
<xs:restriction base=" xs:token ">
<xs:enumeration value="continues"/>
<xs:enumeration value="starts"/>

Complex Type: listhead

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name listhead
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]">
<head01> head01 </head01> [0..1]
<head02> head02 </head02> [0..1]
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="listhead">
<xs:element name="head01" type=" head01 " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="head02" type=" head02 " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>

Complex Type: materialspec

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name materialspec
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
label="anySimpleType [0..1]"
type="anySimpleType [0..1]"
encodinganalog="anySimpleType [0..1]">
<!-- Mixed content -->
Start Choice [0..*]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [0..1]
End Choice
Start Choice [1]
<emph> emph </emph> [1]
End Choice
End Choice
End Choice
End Choice
<num> num </num> [1]
<materialspec> materialspec </materialspec> [1]
End Choice
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="materialspec" mixed="true">
<xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:group ref=" m.phrase.basic "/>
<xs:element name="num" type=" num "/>
<xs:element name="materialspec" type=" materialspec "/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>
<xs:attribute name="label"/>
<xs:attribute name="type"/>
<xs:attribute name="encodinganalog"/>

Complex Type: name

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name name
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
source=" xs:NMTOKEN [0..1]"
rules=" xs:NMTOKEN [0..1]"
authfilenumber="anySimpleType [0..1]"
normal="anySimpleType [0..1]"
role="anySimpleType [0..1]"
encodinganalog="anySimpleType [0..1]">
<!-- Mixed content -->
Start Group: m.phrase.bare [0..*]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [0..1]
End Choice
Start Choice [1]
<emph> emph </emph> [1]
End Choice
End Choice
End Group: m.phrase.bare
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="name" mixed="true">
<xs:group ref=" m.phrase.bare " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.access "/>
<xs:attribute name="role"/>
<xs:attribute name="encodinganalog"/>

Complex Type: namegrp

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name namegrp
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]">
Start Choice [1..*]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [1]
<corpname> corpname </corpname> [1]
<famname> famname </famname> [1]
<geogname> geogname </geogname> [1]
<name> name </name> [1]
<occupation> occupation </occupation> [1]
<persname> persname </persname> [1]
<subject> subject </subject> [1]
<genreform> genreform </genreform> [1]
<function> function </function> [1]
End Choice
<title> title </title> [1]
End Choice
End Choice
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="namegrp">
<xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:group ref=" m.access.title "/>
<--<xs:element name="note" type="note"/>-->
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>

Complex Type: note

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name note
Abstract no
Documentation note: Ändrat så att note endast innehåller attribut samt text enl. importkoden. Karin Bredenberg, 2006-07-19

note: Lagt till möjligheten att formatera med bold, italic, underline. Karin Bredenberg, 2006-08-21

note: Lagt till att note-elementet skall innehålla ett p-element för att följa standarden. Detta betyder att alternativet mixed="true" för elementet är borttaget. Karin Bredenberg, 2006-09-06
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
type="anySimpleType [0..1]"
label="anySimpleType [0..1]"
show=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'embed'|'new'}) [0..1]"
actuate=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'onload'|'onrequest'}) [0..1]"
encodinganalog="anySimpleType [0..1]">
<p> p </p> [1]
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="note">
<xs:sequence maxOccurs="1">
<xs:element name="p" type=" p "/>
<--<xs:group minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" ref="m.phrase.basic"/>-->
<--<xs:group maxOccurs="unbounded" ref="m.blocks"/>-->
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>
<xs:attribute name="type"/>
<xs:attribute name="label"/>
<xs:attribute name="show">
<xs:restriction base=" xs:token ">
<xs:enumeration value="embed"/>
<xs:enumeration value="new"/>
<xs:attribute name="actuate">
<xs:restriction base=" xs:token ">
<xs:enumeration value="onload"/>
<xs:enumeration value="onrequest"/>
<xs:attribute name="encodinganalog"/>

Complex Type: notestmt

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name notestmt
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
encodinganalog="anySimpleType [0..1]">
<note> note </note> [1..*]
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="notestmt">
<xs:element name="note" type=" note " maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>
<xs:attribute name="encodinganalog"/>

Complex Type: num

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name num
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
type="anySimpleType [0..1]"
encodinganalog="anySimpleType [0..1]">
<!-- Mixed content -->
Start Group: m.phrase.bare [0..*]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [0..1]
End Choice
Start Choice [1]
<emph> emph </emph> [1]
End Choice
End Choice
End Group: m.phrase.bare
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="num" mixed="true">
<xs:group ref=" m.phrase.bare " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>
<xs:attribute name="type"/>
<xs:attribute name="encodinganalog"/>

Complex Type: occupation

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name occupation
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
source=" xs:NMTOKEN [0..1]"
rules=" xs:NMTOKEN [0..1]"
authfilenumber="anySimpleType [0..1]"
normal="anySimpleType [0..1]"
encodinganalog="anySimpleType [0..1]">
<!-- Mixed content -->
Start Group: m.phrase.bare [0..*]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [0..1]
End Choice
Start Choice [1]
<emph> emph </emph> [1]
End Choice
End Choice
End Group: m.phrase.bare
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="occupation" mixed="true">
<xs:group ref=" m.phrase.bare " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.access "/>
<xs:attribute name="encodinganalog"/>

Complex Type: odd

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name odd
Abstract no
Documentation odd: Ändrat så att odd endast kan innehålla p-element. Karin Bredenberg, 2006-07-19

odd: Lagt till att attributet type kan ha värdet 'inl'. OBS attributet är frivilligt! Karin Bredenberg, 2006-12-06
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
type=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'inl'}) [0..1]"
encodinganalog="anySimpleType [0..1]">
Start Choice [1..*]
<p> p </p> [1]
End Choice
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="odd">
<--<xs:element name="head" type="head" minOccurs="0"/>-->
<xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:group ref=" m.blocks "/>
<--<xs:element name="dao" type="dao"/>-->
<--<xs:element name="daogrp" type="daogrp"/>-->
<--<xs:element name="odd" type="odd"/>-->
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>
<xs:attribute name="type">
<xs:restriction base=" xs:token ">
<xs:enumeration value="inl"/>
<xs:attribute name="encodinganalog"/>

Complex Type: originalsloc

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name originalsloc
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
encodinganalog="anySimpleType [0..1]"
type="anySimpleType [0..1]">
<head> head </head> [0..1]
Start Choice [1..*]
<p> p </p> [1]
<originalsloc> originalsloc </originalsloc> [1]
End Choice
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="originalsloc">
<xs:element name="head" type=" head " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:group ref=" m.blocks "/>
<xs:element name="originalsloc" type=" originalsloc "/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>
<xs:attribute name="encodinganalog"/>
<xs:attribute name="type"/>

Complex Type: origination

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name origination
Abstract no
Documentation origination: Ändrat så att man bara kan ha corpname,famname, name eller persname. Karin Bredenberg, 2006-06-19

origination: Ändrat så att attributet label krävs. Karin Bredenberg, 2006-07-19

origination: Ändrat så att attributet label inte krävs. Samma funktion finns i role i corpname,famname, name eller persname. Karin Bredenberg 2006-07-31
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
label="anySimpleType [0..1]"
encodinganalog="anySimpleType [0..1]">
<!-- Mixed content -->
Start Choice [0..*]
<corpname> corpname </corpname> [1]
<famname> famname </famname> [1]
<name> name </name> [1]
<persname> persname </persname> [1]
End Choice
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="origination" mixed="true">
<xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<--<xs:group ref="m.phrase.basic"/>-->
<xs:element name="corpname" type=" corpname "/>
<xs:element name="famname" type=" famname "/>
<xs:element name="name" type=" name "/>
<xs:element name="persname" type=" persname "/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>
<xs:attribute name="label"/>
<xs:attribute name="encodinganalog"/>

Complex Type: otherfindaid

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name otherfindaid
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
encodinganalog="anySimpleType [0..1]">
<head> head </head> [0..1]
Start Choice [1..*]
<p> p </p> [1]
Start Choice [1]
<ref> ref </ref> [1]
<extref> extref </extref> [1]
<bibref> bibref </bibref> [1]
<archref> archref </archref> [1]
End Choice
<otherfindaid> otherfindaid </otherfindaid> [1]
End Choice
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="otherfindaid">
<xs:element name="head" type=" head " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:group ref=" m.blocks "/>
<xs:group ref=" m.refs "/>
<xs:element name="otherfindaid" type=" otherfindaid "/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>
<xs:attribute name="encodinganalog"/>

Complex Type: p

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name p
Abstract no
Documentation p: Lagt till möjligheten att p kan innehålla formatering av texten, bold, italic samt underline. Karin Bredenberg, 2006-08-21
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]">
<!-- Mixed content -->
Start Group: m.phrase.basic [0..*]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [0..1]
End Choice
Start Choice [1]
<emph> emph </emph> [1]
End Choice
End Choice
End Choice
End Choice
End Group: m.phrase.basic
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="p" mixed="true">
<xs:group ref=" m.phrase.basic " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<--<xs:group minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" ref="m.para.content"/>-->
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>

Complex Type: persname

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name persname
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
source=" xs:NMTOKEN [0..1]"
rules=" xs:NMTOKEN [0..1]"
authfilenumber="anySimpleType [0..1]"
normal="anySimpleType [0..1]"
role="anySimpleType [0..1]"
encodinganalog="anySimpleType [0..1]">
<!-- Mixed content -->
Start Group: m.phrase.bare [0..*]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [0..1]
End Choice
Start Choice [1]
<emph> emph </emph> [1]
End Choice
End Choice
End Group: m.phrase.bare
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="persname" mixed="true">
<xs:group ref=" m.phrase.bare " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.access "/>
<xs:attribute name="role"/>
<xs:attribute name="encodinganalog"/>

Complex Type: physdesc

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name physdesc
Abstract no
Documentation physdesc: Ändrat så att physdesc endast innehåller undernoden extent samt text. Karin bredenberg, 2006-07-19
XML Instance Representation
<!-- Mixed content -->
Start Choice [0..*]
<extent> extent </extent> [1]
End Choice
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="physdesc" mixed="true">
<xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<--<xs:group ref="m.phrase.basic"/>-->
<--<xs:element name="dimensions" type="dimensions"/>-->
<--<xs:element name="physfacet" type="physfacet"/>-->
<xs:element name="extent" type=" extent "/>
<--<xs:element name="date" type="date"/>-->
<--<xs:group ref="m.access"/>-->
<--<xs:attributeGroup ref="a.common"/>-->
<--<xs:attribute name="label"/>-->
<--<xs:attribute name="encodinganalog"/>-->
<--<xs:attribute name="source" type="xs:NMTOKEN"/>-->
<--<xs:attribute name="rules" type="xs:NMTOKEN"/>-->

Complex Type: physfacet

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name physfacet
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
label="anySimpleType [0..1]"
type="anySimpleType [0..1]"
unit="anySimpleType [0..1]"
source=" xs:NMTOKEN [0..1]"
rules=" xs:NMTOKEN [0..1]"
encodinganalog="anySimpleType [0..1]">
<!-- Mixed content -->
Start Choice [0..*]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [0..1]
End Choice
Start Choice [1]
<emph> emph </emph> [1]
End Choice
End Choice
End Choice
End Choice
Start Choice [1]
<corpname> corpname </corpname> [1]
<famname> famname </famname> [1]
<geogname> geogname </geogname> [1]
<name> name </name> [1]
<occupation> occupation </occupation> [1]
<persname> persname </persname> [1]
<subject> subject </subject> [1]
<genreform> genreform </genreform> [1]
<function> function </function> [1]
End Choice
<date> date </date> [1]
End Choice
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="physfacet" mixed="true">
<xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:group ref=" m.phrase.basic "/>
<xs:group ref=" m.access "/>
<xs:element name="date" type=" date "/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>
<xs:attribute name="label"/>
<xs:attribute name="type"/>
<xs:attribute name="unit"/>
<xs:attribute name="source" type=" xs:NMTOKEN "/>
<xs:attribute name="rules" type=" xs:NMTOKEN "/>
<xs:attribute name="encodinganalog"/>

Complex Type: physloc

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name physloc
Abstract no
Documentation physloc: Gjort attributet type tvingande och med värdelista. Karin Bredenberg, 2006-09-13

physloc: Tagit bort alla attribut utom type. Inga underelement får förekomma. Karin Bredenberg, 2006-09-13
XML Instance Representation
type=" xs:string (value comes from list: {'Ja'|'Nej'|'Delvis'}) [1]"/>
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="physloc" mixed="true">
<--<xs:group minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" ref="m.phrase.basic"/>-->
<--<xs:attributeGroup ref="a.common"/>-->
<--<xs:attribute name="label"/>-->
<xs:attribute name="type" use="required">
<xs:restriction base=" xs:string ">
<xs:enumeration value="Ja"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Nej"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Delvis"/>
<--<xs:attribute name="encodinganalog"/>-->
<--<xs:attribute name="parent" type="xs:IDREFS"/>-->

Complex Type: phystech

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name phystech
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
encodinganalog="anySimpleType [0..1]"
type="anySimpleType [0..1]">
Start Choice [1..*]
<p> p </p> [1]
End Choice
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="phystech">
<--<xs:element name="head" type="head" minOccurs="0"/>-->
<xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:group ref=" m.blocks "/>
<--<xs:element name="phystech" type="phystech"/>-->
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>
<xs:attribute name="encodinganalog"/>
<xs:attribute name="type"/>

Complex Type: prefercite

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name prefercite
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
encodinganalog="anySimpleType [0..1]">
<head> head </head> [0..1]
Start Choice [1..*]
<p> p </p> [1]
<prefercite> prefercite </prefercite> [1]
End Choice
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="prefercite">
<xs:element name="head" type=" head " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:group ref=" m.blocks "/>
<xs:element name="prefercite" type=" prefercite "/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>
<xs:attribute name="encodinganalog"/>

Complex Type: processinfo

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name processinfo
Abstract no
Documentation processinfo: Ändrat så att processinfo endast kan innehålla p-element. Karin Bredenberg, 2006-07-19
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
type="anySimpleType [0..1]"
encodinganalog="anySimpleType [0..1]">
Start Choice [1..*]
<p> p </p> [1]
End Choice
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="processinfo">
<--<xs:element name="head" type="head" minOccurs="0"/>-->
<xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:group ref=" m.blocks "/>
<--<xs:element name="processinfo" type="processinfo"/>-->
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>
<xs:attribute name="type"/>
<xs:attribute name="encodinganalog"/>

Complex Type: profiledesc

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name profiledesc
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
encodinganalog="anySimpleType [0..1]">
<creation> creation </creation> [0..1]
<langusage> langusage </langusage> [0..1]
<descrules> descrules </descrules> [0..1]
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="profiledesc">
<xs:element name="creation" type=" creation " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="langusage" type=" langusage " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="descrules" type=" descrules " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>
<xs:attribute name="encodinganalog"/>

Complex Type: ptr

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name ptr
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
target=" xs:IDREF [0..1]"
xpointer="anySimpleType [0..1]"
Attribute group reference (not shown): xlink:type

Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="ptr">
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.internal.ptr "/>

Complex Type: ptrgrp

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name ptrgrp
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]">
Start Choice [1..*]
<ptr> ptr </ptr> [1]
<ref> ref </ref> [1]
End Choice
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="ptrgrp">
<xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:element name="ptr" type=" ptr "/>
<xs:element name="ref" type=" ref "/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>

Complex Type: ptrloc

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name ptrloc
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
Attribute group reference (not shown): xlink:type3

target=" xs:IDREF [0..1]"
xpointer="anySimpleType [0..1]"/>
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="ptrloc">
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.loc.internal.ptr "/>

Complex Type: publicationstmt

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name publicationstmt
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
encodinganalog="anySimpleType [0..1]">
Start Choice [1..*]
<publisher> publisher </publisher> [1]
<date> date </date> [1]
<address> address </address> [1]
<num> num </num> [1]
<p> p </p> [1]
End Choice
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="publicationstmt">
<xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:element name="publisher" type=" publisher "/>
<xs:element name="date" type=" date "/>
<xs:element name="address" type=" address "/>
<xs:element name="num" type=" num "/>
<xs:element name="p" type=" p "/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>
<xs:attribute name="encodinganalog"/>

Complex Type: publisher

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name publisher
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
encodinganalog="anySimpleType [0..1]">
<!-- Mixed content -->
Start Group: m.phrase.bare [0..*]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [0..1]
End Choice
Start Choice [1]
<emph> emph </emph> [1]
End Choice
End Choice
End Group: m.phrase.bare
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="publisher" mixed="true">
<xs:group ref=" m.phrase.bare " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>
<xs:attribute name="encodinganalog"/>

Complex Type: ref

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name ref
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
target=" xs:IDREF [0..1]"
xpointer="anySimpleType [0..1]"
Attribute group reference (not shown): xlink:type

<!-- Mixed content -->
Start Choice [0..*]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [0..1]
End Choice
Start Choice [1]
<emph> emph </emph> [1]
End Choice
End Choice
End Choice
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [1]
<corpname> corpname </corpname> [1]
<famname> famname </famname> [1]
<geogname> geogname </geogname> [1]
<name> name </name> [1]
<occupation> occupation </occupation> [1]
<persname> persname </persname> [1]
<subject> subject </subject> [1]
<genreform> genreform </genreform> [1]
<function> function </function> [1]
End Choice
<date> date </date> [1]
<num> num </num> [1]
<origination> origination </origination> [1]
<repository> repository </repository> [1]
<unitdate> unitdate </unitdate> [1]
<unittitle> unittitle </unittitle> [1]
End Choice
End Choice
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [1]
<address> address </address> [1]
End Choice
End Choice
End Choice
<bibref> bibref </bibref> [1]
<title> title </title> [1]
<extref> extref </extref> [1]
<archref> archref </archref> [1]
End Choice
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="ref" mixed="true">
<xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:group ref=" m.para.content.norefs "/>
<xs:element name="bibref" type=" bibref "/>
<xs:element name="title" type=" title "/>
<xs:element name="extref" type=" extref "/>
<xs:element name="archref" type=" archref "/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.internal.ptr "/>

Complex Type: refloc

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name refloc
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
Attribute group reference (not shown): xlink:type3

target=" xs:IDREF [0..1]"
xpointer="anySimpleType [0..1]">
<!-- Mixed content -->
Start Group: m.para.content.norefs [0..*]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [0..1]
End Choice
Start Choice [1]
<emph> emph </emph> [1]
End Choice
End Choice
End Choice
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [1]
<corpname> corpname </corpname> [1]
<famname> famname </famname> [1]
<geogname> geogname </geogname> [1]
<name> name </name> [1]
<occupation> occupation </occupation> [1]
<persname> persname </persname> [1]
<subject> subject </subject> [1]
<genreform> genreform </genreform> [1]
<function> function </function> [1]
End Choice
<date> date </date> [1]
<num> num </num> [1]
<origination> origination </origination> [1]
<repository> repository </repository> [1]
<unitdate> unitdate </unitdate> [1]
<unittitle> unittitle </unittitle> [1]
End Choice
End Choice
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [1]
<address> address </address> [1]
End Choice
End Choice
End Choice
End Group: m.para.content.norefs
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="refloc" mixed="true">
<xs:group ref=" m.para.content.norefs " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.loc.internal.ptr "/>

Complex Type: relatedmaterial

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name relatedmaterial
Abstract no
Documentation relatedmaterial: Ändrat så att enbart archref-element är tillgängliga. Karin Bredenberg, 2006-07-19

relatedmaterial: Ändrat så att archref-elementet kan förekomma flera gånger. Karin Bredenberg, 2006-10-16
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
type="anySimpleType [0..1]"
encodinganalog="anySimpleType [0..1]">
<archref> archref </archref> [1..*]
Start Choice [0..*]
End Choice
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="relatedmaterial">
<xs:element name="archref" type=" archref " maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<--<xs:element name="head" type="head" minOccurs="0"/>-->
<xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<--<xs:group ref="m.blocks"/>-->
<--<xs:group ref="m.refs"/>-->
<--<xs:element name="relatedmaterial" type="relatedmaterial"/>-->
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>
<xs:attribute name="type"/>
<xs:attribute name="encodinganalog"/>

Complex Type: repository

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name repository
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
label="anySimpleType [0..1]"
encodinganalog="anySimpleType [0..1]">
<!-- Mixed content -->
Start Choice [0..*]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [0..1]
End Choice
Start Choice [1]
<emph> emph </emph> [1]
End Choice
End Choice
End Choice
End Choice
<address> address </address> [1]
<corpname> corpname </corpname> [1]
<name> name </name> [1]
<subarea> subarea </subarea> [1]
End Choice
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="repository" mixed="true">
<xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:group ref=" m.phrase.basic "/>
<xs:element name="address" type=" address "/>
<xs:element name="corpname" type=" corpname "/>
<xs:element name="name" type=" name "/>
<xs:element name="subarea" type=" subarea "/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>
<xs:attribute name="label"/>
<xs:attribute name="encodinganalog"/>

Complex Type: resource

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name resource
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
Attribute group reference (not shown): xlink:type2

id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
<!-- Mixed content -->
Start Group: m.render [0..*]
Start Choice [1]
<emph> emph </emph> [1]
End Choice
End Group: m.render
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="resource" mixed="true">
<xs:group ref=" m.render " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" xlink:type2 "/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>
<xs:attribute ref=" xlink:role "/>
<xs:attribute ref=" xlink:title "/>
<xs:attribute ref=" xlink:label "/>

Complex Type: revisiondesc

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name revisiondesc
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
encodinganalog="anySimpleType [0..1]">
Start Choice [1]
<change> change </change> [1..*]
End Choice
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="revisiondesc">
<--<xs:element name="list" type="list"/>-->
<xs:element name="change" type=" change " maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>
<xs:attribute name="encodinganalog"/>

Complex Type: row

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name row
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
rowsep=" yesorno [0..1]"
valign=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'top'|'middle'|'bottom'}) [0..1]">
<entry> entry </entry> [1..*]
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="row">
<xs:element name="entry" type=" entry " maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>
<xs:attribute name="rowsep" type=" yesorno "/>
<xs:attribute name="valign">
<xs:restriction base=" xs:token ">
<xs:enumeration value="top"/>
<xs:enumeration value="middle"/>
<xs:enumeration value="bottom"/>

Complex Type: runner

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name runner
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
placement=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'header'|'footer'|'watermark'}) [0..1]"
role="anySimpleType [0..1]">
<!-- Mixed content -->
Start Group: m.phrase.bare [0..*]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [0..1]
End Choice
Start Choice [1]
<emph> emph </emph> [1]
End Choice
End Choice
End Group: m.phrase.bare
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="runner" mixed="true">
<xs:group ref=" m.phrase.bare " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>
<xs:attribute name="placement">
<xs:restriction base=" xs:token ">
<xs:enumeration value="header"/>
<xs:enumeration value="footer"/>
<xs:enumeration value="watermark"/>
<xs:attribute name="role"/>

Complex Type: scopecontent

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name scopecontent
Abstract no
Documentation scopecontent: Ändrat så att scopcontent endast kan innehålla p-element. Karin Bredenberg, 2006-07-19
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
encodinganalog="anySimpleType [0..1]">
Start Choice [1..*]
<p> p </p> [1]
End Choice
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="scopecontent">
<--<xs:element name="head" type="head" minOccurs="0"/>-->
<xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:group ref=" m.blocks "/>
<--<xs:element name="arrangement" type="arrangement"/>-->
<--<xs:element name="scopecontent" type="scopecontent"/>-->
<--<xs:element name="dao" type="dao"/>-->
<--<xs:element name="daogrp" type="daogrp"/>-->
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>
<xs:attribute name="encodinganalog"/>

Complex Type: separatedmaterial

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name separatedmaterial
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
type="anySimpleType [0..1]"
encodinganalog="anySimpleType [0..1]">
<head> head </head> [0..1]
Start Choice [1..*]
<p> p </p> [1]
Start Choice [1]
<ref> ref </ref> [1]
<extref> extref </extref> [1]
<bibref> bibref </bibref> [1]
<archref> archref </archref> [1]
End Choice
<separatedmaterial> separatedmaterial </separatedmaterial> [1]
End Choice
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="separatedmaterial">
<xs:element name="head" type=" head " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:group ref=" m.blocks "/>
<xs:group ref=" m.refs "/>
<xs:element name="separatedmaterial" type=" separatedmaterial "/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>
<xs:attribute name="type"/>
<xs:attribute name="encodinganalog"/>

Complex Type: seriesstmt

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name seriesstmt
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
encodinganalog="anySimpleType [0..1]">
Start Choice [1..*]
<titleproper> titleproper </titleproper> [1]
<num> num </num> [1]
<p> p </p> [1]
End Choice
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="seriesstmt">
<xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:element name="titleproper" type=" titleproper "/>
<xs:element name="num" type=" num "/>
<xs:element name="p" type=" p "/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>
<xs:attribute name="encodinganalog"/>

Complex Type: sponsor

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name sponsor
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
encodinganalog="anySimpleType [0..1]">
<!-- Mixed content -->
Start Group: m.phrase.bare [0..*]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [0..1]
End Choice
Start Choice [1]
<emph> emph </emph> [1]
End Choice
End Choice
End Group: m.phrase.bare
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="sponsor" mixed="true">
<xs:group ref=" m.phrase.bare " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>
<xs:attribute name="encodinganalog"/>

Complex Type: subarea

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name subarea
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
encodinganalog="anySimpleType [0..1]">
<!-- Mixed content -->
Start Group: m.phrase.bare [0..*]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [0..1]
End Choice
Start Choice [1]
<emph> emph </emph> [1]
End Choice
End Choice
End Group: m.phrase.bare
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="subarea" mixed="true">
<xs:group ref=" m.phrase.bare " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>
<xs:attribute name="encodinganalog"/>

Complex Type: subject

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name subject
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
source=" xs:NMTOKEN [0..1]"
rules=" xs:NMTOKEN [0..1]"
authfilenumber="anySimpleType [0..1]"
normal="anySimpleType [0..1]"
encodinganalog="anySimpleType [0..1]">
<!-- Mixed content -->
Start Group: m.phrase.bare [0..*]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [0..1]
End Choice
Start Choice [1]
<emph> emph </emph> [1]
End Choice
End Choice
End Group: m.phrase.bare
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="subject" mixed="true">
<xs:group ref=" m.phrase.bare " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.access "/>
<xs:attribute name="encodinganalog"/>

Complex Type: subtitle

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name subtitle
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
encodinganalog="anySimpleType [0..1]">
<!-- Mixed content -->
Start Choice [0..*]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [0..1]
End Choice
Start Choice [1]
<emph> emph </emph> [1]
End Choice
End Choice
<abbr> abbr </abbr> [1]
<date> date </date> [1]
<expan> expan </expan> [1]
<num> num </num> [1]
End Choice
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="subtitle" mixed="true">
<xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:group ref=" m.phrase.bare "/>
<xs:element name="abbr" type=" abbr "/>
<xs:element name="date" type=" date "/>
<xs:element name="expan" type=" expan "/>
<xs:element name="num" type=" num "/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>
<xs:attribute name="encodinganalog"/>

Complex Type: table

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name table
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
frame=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'top'|'bottom'|'topbot'|'all'|'sides'|'none'}) [0..1]"
colsep=" yesorno [0..1]"
rowsep=" yesorno [0..1]"
pgwide=" yesorno [0..1]">
<head> head </head> [0..1]
<tgroup> tgroup </tgroup> [1..*]
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="table">
<xs:element name="head" type=" head " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="tgroup" type=" tgroup " maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>
<xs:attribute name="frame">
<xs:restriction base=" xs:token ">
<xs:enumeration value="top"/>
<xs:enumeration value="bottom"/>
<xs:enumeration value="topbot"/>
<xs:enumeration value="all"/>
<xs:enumeration value="sides"/>
<xs:enumeration value="none"/>
<xs:attribute name="colsep" type=" yesorno "/>
<xs:attribute name="rowsep" type=" yesorno "/>
<xs:attribute name="pgwide" type=" yesorno "/>

Complex Type: tbody

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name tbody
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
valign=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'top'|'middle'|'bottom'}) [0..1]">
<row> row </row> [1..*]
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="tbody">
<xs:element name="row" type=" row " maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>
<xs:attribute name="valign">
<xs:restriction base=" xs:token ">
<xs:enumeration value="top"/>
<xs:enumeration value="middle"/>
<xs:enumeration value="bottom"/>

Complex Type: tgroup

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name tgroup
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
cols=" xs:NMTOKEN [1]"
colsep=" yesorno [0..1]"
rowsep=" yesorno [0..1]"
align=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'left'|'right'|'center'|'justify'|'char'}) [0..1]">
<colspec> colspec </colspec> [0..*]
<thead> thead </thead> [0..1]
<tbody> tbody </tbody> [1]
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="tgroup">
<xs:element name="colspec" type=" colspec " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:element name="thead" type=" thead " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="tbody" type=" tbody "/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>
<xs:attribute name="cols" type=" xs:NMTOKEN " use="required"/>
<xs:attribute name="colsep" type=" yesorno "/>
<xs:attribute name="rowsep" type=" yesorno "/>
<xs:attribute name="align">
<xs:restriction base=" xs:token ">
<xs:enumeration value="left"/>
<xs:enumeration value="right"/>
<xs:enumeration value="center"/>
<xs:enumeration value="justify"/>
<xs:enumeration value="char"/>

Complex Type: thead

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name thead
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
valign=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'top'|'middle'|'bottom'}) [0..1]">
<row> row </row> [1..*]
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="thead">
<xs:element name="row" type=" row " maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>
<xs:attribute name="valign">
<xs:restriction base=" xs:token ">
<xs:enumeration value="top"/>
<xs:enumeration value="middle"/>
<xs:enumeration value="bottom"/>

Complex Type: title

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name title
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
type="anySimpleType [0..1]"
render=" av.render [0..1]"
source=" xs:NMTOKEN [0..1]"
rules=" xs:NMTOKEN [0..1]"
authfilenumber="anySimpleType [0..1]"
normal="anySimpleType [0..1]"
entityref=" xs:ENTITY [0..1]"
xpointer="anySimpleType [0..1]"
Attribute group reference (not shown): xlink:type

encodinganalog="anySimpleType [0..1]">
<!-- Mixed content -->
Start Choice [0..*]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [0..1]
End Choice
Start Choice [1]
<emph> emph </emph> [1]
End Choice
End Choice
<date> date </date> [1]
<num> num </num> [1]
End Choice
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="title" mixed="true">
<xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:group ref=" m.phrase.bare "/>
<xs:element name="date" type=" date "/>
<xs:element name="num" type=" num "/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>
<xs:attribute name="type"/>
<xs:attribute name="render" type=" av.render "/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.access "/>
<xs:attribute name="entityref" type=" xs:ENTITY "/>
<xs:attribute name="xpointer"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" xlink:type "/>
<xs:attribute ref=" xlink:href "/>
<xs:attribute ref=" xlink:role "/>
<xs:attribute ref=" xlink:arcrole "/>
<xs:attribute ref=" xlink:title "/>
<xs:attribute ref=" xlink:show "/>
<xs:attribute ref=" xlink:actuate "/>
<xs:attribute name="encodinganalog"/>

Complex Type: titlepage

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name titlepage
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]">
Start Choice [1..*]
<p> p </p> [1]
<author> author </author> [1]
<date> date </date> [1]
<edition> edition </edition> [1]
<num> num </num> [1]
<publisher> publisher </publisher> [1]
<bibseries> bibseries </bibseries> [1]
<sponsor> sponsor </sponsor> [1]
<titleproper> titleproper </titleproper> [1]
<subtitle> subtitle </subtitle> [1]
End Choice
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="titlepage">
<xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:group ref=" m.blocks "/>
<xs:element name="author" type=" author "/>
<xs:element name="date" type=" date "/>
<xs:element name="edition" type=" edition "/>
<xs:element name="num" type=" num "/>
<xs:element name="publisher" type=" publisher "/>
<xs:element name="bibseries" type=" bibseries "/>
<xs:element name="sponsor" type=" sponsor "/>
<xs:element name="titleproper" type=" titleproper "/>
<xs:element name="subtitle" type=" subtitle "/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>

Complex Type: titleproper

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name titleproper
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
render=" av.render [0..1]"
type="anySimpleType [0..1]"
encodinganalog="anySimpleType [0..1]">
<!-- Mixed content -->
Start Choice [0..*]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [0..1]
End Choice
Start Choice [1]
<emph> emph </emph> [1]
End Choice
End Choice
<abbr> abbr </abbr> [1]
<date> date </date> [1]
<expan> expan </expan> [1]
<num> num </num> [1]
End Choice
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="titleproper" mixed="true">
<xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:group ref=" m.phrase.bare "/>
<xs:element name="abbr" type=" abbr "/>
<xs:element name="date" type=" date "/>
<xs:element name="expan" type=" expan "/>
<xs:element name="num" type=" num "/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>
<xs:attribute name="render" type=" av.render "/>
<xs:attribute name="type"/>
<xs:attribute name="encodinganalog"/>

Complex Type: titlestmt

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name titlestmt
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
encodinganalog="anySimpleType [0..1]">
<titleproper> titleproper </titleproper> [1..*]
<subtitle> subtitle </subtitle> [0..*]
<author> author </author> [0..1]
<sponsor> sponsor </sponsor> [0..1]
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="titlestmt">
<xs:element name="titleproper" type=" titleproper " maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:element name="subtitle" type=" subtitle " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:element name="author" type=" author " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="sponsor" type=" sponsor " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>
<xs:attribute name="encodinganalog"/>

Complex Type: unitdate

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name unitdate
Abstract no
Documentation unitdate: Ändrat så att endast attributet certainty finns kvar. Karin Bredenberg, 2006-07-19

unitdate: Tagit tillbaka attributet type. Karin Bredenberg, 2006-07-21

unitdate: Tagit tillbaka valet att formatera text mha taggen emph som gör det möjligt att sätta bold, italic, underline. Karin Bredenberg, 2006-08-21
XML Instance Representation
type=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'bulk'|'inclusive'}) [0..1]"
certainty="anySimpleType [0..1]">
<!-- Mixed content -->
Start Group: m.phrase.basic [0..*]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [0..1]
End Choice
Start Choice [1]
<emph> emph </emph> [1]
End Choice
End Choice
End Choice
End Choice
End Group: m.phrase.basic
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="unitdate" mixed="true">
<xs:group ref=" m.phrase.basic " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<--<xs:attributeGroup ref="a.common"/>-->
<--<xs:attribute name="label"/>-->
<xs:attribute name="type">
<xs:restriction base=" xs:token ">
<xs:enumeration value="bulk"/>
<xs:enumeration value="inclusive"/>
<--<xs:attribute name="datechar"/>-->
<--<xs:attributeGroup ref="am.dates.era"/>-->
<--<xs:attributeGroup ref="am.dates.calendar"/>-->
<--<xs:attributeGroup ref="am.date.normal"/>-->
<xs:attribute name="certainty"/>
<--<xs:attribute name="encodinganalog"/>-->

Complex Type: unitid

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name unitid
Abstract no
Documentation unitid: Justerat så att det endast ska vara type="xs:NMTOKEN" istället för type="data.repositorycode" för respositorycode. Karin Bredenberg, 2006-07-26
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
label="anySimpleType [0..1]"
type="anySimpleType [0..1]"
countrycode=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'AF'|'AX'|'AL'|'DZ'|'AS'|'AD'|'AO'|'AI'|'AQ'|'AG'|'AR'|'AM'|'AW'|'AU'|'AT'|'AZ'|'BS'|'BH'|'BD'|'BB'|'BY'|'BE'|'BZ'|'BJ'|'BM'|'BT'|'BO'|'BA'|'BW'|'BV'|'BR'|'IO'|'BN'|'BG'|'BF'|'BI'|'KH'|'CM'|'CA'|'CV'|'KY'|'CF'|'TD'|'CL'|'CN'|'CX'|'CC'|'CO'|'KM'|'CG'|'CD'|'CK'|'CR'|'CI'|'HR'|'CU'|'CY'|'CZ'|'DK'|'DJ'|'DM'|'DO'|'EC'|'EG'|'SV'|'GQ'|'ER'|'EE'|'ET'|'FK'|'FO'|'FJ'|'FI'|'FR'|'GF'|'PF'|'TF'|'GA'|'GM'|'GE'|'DE'|'GH'|'GI'|'GR'|'GL'|'GD'|'GP'|'GU'|'GT'|'GN'|'GW'|'GY'|'HT'|'HM'|'VA'|'HN'|'HK'|'HU'|'IS'|'IN'|'ID'|'IR'|'IQ'|'IE'|'IL'|'IT'|'JM'|'JP'|'JO'|'KZ'|'KE'|'KI'|'KP'|'KR'|'KW'|'KG'|'LA'|'LV'|'LB'|'LS'|'LR'|'LY'|'LI'|'LT'|'LU'|'MO'|'MK'|'MG'|'MW'|'MY'|'MV'|'ML'|'MT'|'MH'|'MQ'|'MR'|'MU'|'YT'|'MX'|'FM'|'MD'|'MC'|'MN'|'MS'|'MA'|'MZ'|'MM'|'NA'|'NR'|'NP'|'NL'|'AN'|'NC'|'NZ'|'NI'|'NE'|'NG'|'NU'|'NF'|'MP'|'NO'|'OM'|'PK'|'PW'|'PS'|'PA'|'PG'|'PY'|'PE'|'PH'|'PN'|'PL'|'PT'|'PR'|'QA'|'RE'|'RO'|'RU'|'RW'|'SH'|'KN'|'LC'|'PM'|'VC'|'WS'|'SM'|'ST'|'SA'|'SN'|'CS'|'SC'|'SL'|'SG'|'SK'|'SI'|'SB'|'SO'|'ZA'|'GS'|'ES'|'LK'|'SD'|'SR'|'SJ'|'SZ'|'SE'|'CH'|'SY'|'TW'|'TJ'|'TZ'|'TH'|'TL'|'TG'|'TK'|'TO'|'TT'|'TN'|'TR'|'TM'|'TC'|'TV'|'UG'|'UA'|'AE'|'GB'|'US'|'UM'|'UY'|'UZ'|'VU'|'VE'|'VN'|'VG'|'VI'|'WF'|'EH'|'YE'|'ZM'|'ZW'}) [0..1]"
repositorycode=" xs:NMTOKEN [0..1]"
identifier="anySimpleType [0..1]"
encodinganalog="anySimpleType [0..1]">
<!-- Mixed content -->
Start Group: m.phrase.basic [0..*]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [0..1]
End Choice
Start Choice [1]
<emph> emph </emph> [1]
End Choice
End Choice
End Choice
End Choice
End Group: m.phrase.basic
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="unitid" mixed="true">
<xs:group ref=" m.phrase.basic " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>
<xs:attribute name="label"/>
<xs:attribute name="type"/>
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" am.countrycode "/>
<xs:attribute name="repositorycode" type=" xs:NMTOKEN "/>
<xs:attribute name="identifier"/>
<xs:attribute name="encodinganalog"/>

Complex Type: unittitle

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name unittitle
Abstract no
Documentation unittitle: Tagit bort möjligheten att ha förekomst av unitdate i unittitle-taggen. Karin Bredenberg, 2006-07-17

unittitle: Ändrat så att unittitle enbart innehåller text. Karin Bredenberg 2006-07-19
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
label="anySimpleType [0..1]"
encodinganalog="anySimpleType [0..1]"
type="anySimpleType [0..1]">
<!-- Mixed content -->
Start Choice [0..*]
End Choice
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="unittitle" mixed="true">
<xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<--<xs:group ref="m.phrase.basic"/>-->
<--<xs:group ref="m.access"/>-->
<--<xs:element name="unitdate" type="unitdate"/>-->
<--<xs:element name="num" type="num"/>-->
<--<xs:element name="date" type="date"/>-->
<--<xs:element name="bibseries" type="bibseries"/>-->
<--<xs:element name="edition" type="edition"/>-->
<--<xs:element name="imprint" type="imprint"/>-->
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>
<xs:attribute name="label"/>
<xs:attribute name="encodinganalog"/>
<xs:attribute name="type"/>

Complex Type: userestrict

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name userestrict
Abstract no
Documentation userestrict: Ändrat så att userestrict endast kan innehålla p-element. Karin Bredenberg, 2006-07-19

userestrict: Lagt till ett note element som får förekomma en gång och tagit bort de andra elementen. Karin Bredenberg, 2006-08-18

userestrict: Gjort attributet type tvingande samt gjort en värde lista. Karin Bredenberg, 2006-08-18
XML Instance Representation
id=" xs:ID [0..1]"
altrender="anySimpleType [0..1]"
audience=" xs:token (value comes from list: {'external'|'internal'}) [0..1]"
encodinganalog="anySimpleType [0..1]"
type=" xs:string (value comes from list: {'Ja'|'Nej'|'Delvis'|'Okänt'}) [1]">
Start Choice [1]
<note> note </note> [1]
End Choice
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="userestrict">
<--<xs:element name="head" type="head" minOccurs="0"/>-->
<xs:choice maxOccurs="1">
<xs:element name="note" type=" note "/>
<--<xs:group ref="m.blocks"/>-->
<--<xs:element name="userestrict" type="userestrict"/>-->
<xs:attributeGroup ref=" a.common "/>
<xs:attribute name="encodinganalog"/>
<xs:attribute name="type" use="required">
<xs:restriction base=" xs:string ">
<xs:enumeration value="Ja"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Nej"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Delvis"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Okänt"/>

Model Group: extended

Name extended
XML Instance Representation
Start Choice [0..*]
<resource> resource </resource> [1]
<arc> arc </arc> [1]
End Choice
Schema Component Representation
<xs:group name="extended">
<xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:element name="resource" type=" resource "/>
<xs:element name="arc" type=" arc "/>

Model Group: extended.els

Name extended.els
XML Instance Representation
Start Choice [1]
<resource> resource </resource> [1]
<arc> arc </arc> [1]
<ptrloc> ptrloc </ptrloc> [1]
<extptrloc> extptrloc </extptrloc> [1]
<refloc> refloc </refloc> [1]
<extrefloc> extrefloc </extrefloc> [1]
End Choice
Schema Component Representation
<xs:group name="extended.els">
<xs:element name="resource" type=" resource "/>
<xs:element name="arc" type=" arc "/>
<xs:element name="ptrloc" type=" ptrloc "/>
<xs:element name="extptrloc" type=" extptrloc "/>
<xs:element name="refloc" type=" refloc "/>
<xs:element name="extrefloc" type=" extrefloc "/>

Model Group: m.access

Name m.access
XML Instance Representation
Start Choice [1]
<corpname> corpname </corpname> [1]
<famname> famname </famname> [1]
<geogname> geogname </geogname> [1]
<name> name </name> [1]
<occupation> occupation </occupation> [1]
<persname> persname </persname> [1]
<subject> subject </subject> [1]
<genreform> genreform </genreform> [1]
<function> function </function> [1]
End Choice
Schema Component Representation
<xs:group name="m.access">
<xs:element name="corpname" type=" corpname "/>
<xs:element name="famname" type=" famname "/>
<xs:element name="geogname" type=" geogname "/>
<xs:element name="name" type=" name "/>
<xs:element name="occupation" type=" occupation "/>
<xs:element name="persname" type=" persname "/>
<xs:element name="subject" type=" subject "/>
<xs:element name="genreform" type=" genreform "/>
<xs:element name="function" type=" function "/>

Model Group: m.access.title

Name m.access.title
XML Instance Representation
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [1]
<corpname> corpname </corpname> [1]
<famname> famname </famname> [1]
<geogname> geogname </geogname> [1]
<name> name </name> [1]
<occupation> occupation </occupation> [1]
<persname> persname </persname> [1]
<subject> subject </subject> [1]
<genreform> genreform </genreform> [1]
<function> function </function> [1]
End Choice
<title> title </title> [1]
End Choice
Schema Component Representation
<xs:group name="m.access.title">
<xs:group ref=" m.access "/>
<xs:element name="title" type=" title "/>

Model Group: m.blocks

Name m.blocks
Documentation m.blocks: Ändrat choice till sequense. Samt att den bara kan innehåll p element. Karin Bredenberg, 2006-07-17
XML Instance Representation
<p> p </p> [1]
Schema Component Representation
<xs:group name="m.blocks">
<--<xs:group ref="m.inter"/>-->
<xs:element name="p" type=" p "/>

Model Group: m.data

Name m.data
XML Instance Representation
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [1]
<corpname> corpname </corpname> [1]
<famname> famname </famname> [1]
<geogname> geogname </geogname> [1]
<name> name </name> [1]
<occupation> occupation </occupation> [1]
<persname> persname </persname> [1]
<subject> subject </subject> [1]
<genreform> genreform </genreform> [1]
<function> function </function> [1]
End Choice
<date> date </date> [1]
<num> num </num> [1]
<origination> origination </origination> [1]
<repository> repository </repository> [1]
<unitdate> unitdate </unitdate> [1]
<unittitle> unittitle </unittitle> [1]
End Choice
Schema Component Representation
<xs:group name="m.data">
<xs:group ref=" m.access "/>
<xs:element name="date" type=" date "/>
<xs:element name="num" type=" num "/>
<xs:element name="origination" type=" origination "/>
<xs:element name="repository" type=" repository "/>
<xs:element name="unitdate" type=" unitdate "/>
<xs:element name="unittitle" type=" unittitle "/>

Model Group: m.desc.base

Name m.desc.base
Documentation m.desc.base: Lagt till antal på samtliga element. Karin Bredenberg, 2006-7-17

m.desc.base: Ändrat från choise till sequense. Karin Bredenberg, 2006-07-17

m.desc.base: Justerat så att endast element enligt importkoden finns. Karin Bredenberg, 2006-07-19

m.desc.base Lagt till ett choice inom sequence för att kunna ha elementen i valfri ordning. Karin Bredenberg, 2006-08-01

m.desc.base: Tagit tillbaka elementet controlacess. Karin Bredenberg, 2006-09-13

m.desc.base: Tagit tillbaka elementet phystech. Karin Bredenberg, 2006-10-04
XML Instance Representation
Start Choice [0..*]
<accessrestrict> accessrestrict </accessrestrict> [0..1]
<accruals> accruals </accruals> [0..1]
<altformavail> altformavail </altformavail> [0..1]
<appraisal> appraisal </appraisal> [0..1]
<arrangement> arrangement </arrangement> [0..1]
<bibliography> bibliography </bibliography> [0..1]
<controlaccess> controlaccess </controlaccess> [0..1]
<custodhist> custodhist </custodhist> [0..1]
<odd> odd </odd> [0..1]
<otherfindaid> otherfindaid </otherfindaid> [0..1]
<phystech> phystech </phystech> [0..1]
<processinfo> processinfo </processinfo> [0..1]
<relatedmaterial> relatedmaterial </relatedmaterial> [0..1]
<scopecontent> scopecontent </scopecontent> [0..1]
<userestrict> userestrict </userestrict> [0..1]
End Choice
Schema Component Representation
<xs:group name="m.desc.base">
<xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:element name="accessrestrict" type=" accessrestrict " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="accruals" type=" accruals " minOccurs="0"/>
<--<xs:element name="acqinfo" type="acqinfo" minOccurs="0"/>-->
<xs:element name="altformavail" type=" altformavail " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="appraisal" type=" appraisal " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="arrangement" type=" arrangement " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="bibliography" type=" bibliography " minOccurs="0"/>
<--<xs:element name="bioghist" type="bioghist" minOccurs="0"/>-->
<xs:element name="controlaccess" type=" controlaccess " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="custodhist" type=" custodhist " minOccurs="0"/>
<--<xs:element name="descgrp" type="descgrp" minOccurs="0"/>-->
<--<xs:element name="fileplan" type="fileplan" minOccurs="0"/>-->
<--<xs:element name="index" type="index" minOccurs="0"/>-->
<xs:element name="odd" type=" odd " minOccurs="0"/>
<--<xs:element name="originalsloc" type="originalsloc" minOccurs="0"/>-->
<xs:element name="otherfindaid" type=" otherfindaid " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="phystech" type=" phystech " minOccurs="0"/>
<--<xs:element name="prefercite" type="prefercite" minOccurs="0"/>-->
<xs:element name="processinfo" type=" processinfo " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="relatedmaterial" type=" relatedmaterial " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="scopecontent" type=" scopecontent " minOccurs="0"/>
<--<xs:element name="separatedmaterial" type="separatedmaterial" minOccurs="0"/>-->
<xs:element name="userestrict" type=" userestrict " minOccurs="0"/>

Model Group: m.desc.full

Name m.desc.full
Documentation m.desc.full: Bytt från choise till sequense. Karin Bredenberg, 2006-07-18

m.desc.full: Lagt till att dao kan förekomma 0..n gånger. Karin Bredenberg, 2006-07-18

m.desc.full: Justerat ordningen på elementen samt satt antal på samtliga. Karin Bredenberg, 2006-07-18
XML Instance Representation
Start Choice [0..*]
<accessrestrict> accessrestrict </accessrestrict> [0..1]
<accruals> accruals </accruals> [0..1]
<altformavail> altformavail </altformavail> [0..1]
<appraisal> appraisal </appraisal> [0..1]
<arrangement> arrangement </arrangement> [0..1]
<bibliography> bibliography </bibliography> [0..1]
<controlaccess> controlaccess </controlaccess> [0..1]
<custodhist> custodhist </custodhist> [0..1]
<odd> odd </odd> [0..1]
<otherfindaid> otherfindaid </otherfindaid> [0..1]
<phystech> phystech </phystech> [0..1]
<processinfo> processinfo </processinfo> [0..1]
<relatedmaterial> relatedmaterial </relatedmaterial> [0..1]
<scopecontent> scopecontent </scopecontent> [0..1]
<userestrict> userestrict </userestrict> [0..1]
End Choice
<dao> dao </dao> [0..*]
<daogrp> daogrp </daogrp> [0..*]
<dsc> dsc </dsc> [0..*]
Schema Component Representation
<xs:group name="m.desc.full">
<xs:group ref=" m.desc.base "/>
<xs:element name="dao" type=" dao " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:element name="daogrp" type=" daogrp " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:element name="dsc" type=" dsc " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<--<xs:element name="note" type="note"/>-->

Model Group: m.did

Name m.did
Documentation m.did: Lagt in antalet förekomster på samtliga element. Karin Bredenberg, 2006-07-17

m.did: Ändrat så att endast element enligt importkoden förekommer. Karin bredenberg, 2006-07-19

m.did: Justerat ordningen på elementen. Karin Bredenberg, 2006-07-21

m.did: Endast en st och den ska finnas av unitid. Karin Bredenberg, 2006-07-26

m.did: Återtagit elementet physloc. Karin Bredenberg, 2006-09-13
XML Instance Representation
<abstract> abstract </abstract> [0..1]
<container> container </container> [0..*]
<unitid> unitid </unitid> [1]
<unittitle> unittitle </unittitle> [0..1]
<unitdate> unitdate </unitdate> [0..*]
<physdesc> physdesc </physdesc> [0..1]
<physloc> physloc </physloc> [0..1]
<origination> origination </origination> [0..*]
Schema Component Representation
<xs:group name="m.did">
<xs:element name="abstract" type=" abstract " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="container" type=" container " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<--<xs:element name="dao" type="dao" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>-->
<--<xs:element name="daogrp" type="daogrp" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>-->
<--<xs:element name="langmaterial" type="langmaterial" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>-->
<--<xs:element name="materialspec" type="materialspec" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>-->
<--<xs:element name="note" type="note"/>-->
<--<xs:element name="repository" type="repository" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>-->
<xs:element name="unitid" type=" unitid " minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
<xs:element name="unittitle" type=" unittitle " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
<xs:element name="unitdate" type=" unitdate " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:element name="physdesc" type=" physdesc " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
<xs:element name="physloc" type=" physloc " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
<xs:element name="origination" type=" origination " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>

Model Group: m.inter

Name m.inter
XML Instance Representation
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [1]
<address> address </address> [1]
End Choice
End Choice
Schema Component Representation
<xs:group name="m.inter">
<xs:group ref=" m.inter.noquote "/>
<--<xs:element name="blockquote" type="blockquote"/>-->

Model Group: m.inter.noquote

Name m.inter.noquote
XML Instance Representation
Start Choice [1]
<address> address </address> [1]
End Choice
Schema Component Representation
<xs:group name="m.inter.noquote">
<xs:element name="address" type=" address "/>
<--<xs:element name="chronlist" type="chronlist"/>-->
<--<xs:element name="list" type="list"/>-->
<--<xs:element name="note" type="note"/>-->
<--<xs:element name="table" type="table"/>-->

Model Group: m.para.content

Name m.para.content
XML Instance Representation
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [0..1]
End Choice
Start Choice [1]
<emph> emph </emph> [1]
End Choice
End Choice
End Choice
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [1]
<corpname> corpname </corpname> [1]
<famname> famname </famname> [1]
<geogname> geogname </geogname> [1]
<name> name </name> [1]
<occupation> occupation </occupation> [1]
<persname> persname </persname> [1]
<subject> subject </subject> [1]
<genreform> genreform </genreform> [1]
<function> function </function> [1]
End Choice
<date> date </date> [1]
<num> num </num> [1]
<origination> origination </origination> [1]
<repository> repository </repository> [1]
<unitdate> unitdate </unitdate> [1]
<unittitle> unittitle </unittitle> [1]
End Choice
End Choice
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [1]
<address> address </address> [1]
End Choice
End Choice
End Choice
Schema Component Representation
<xs:group name="m.para.content">
<xs:group ref=" m.phrase.plus "/>
<xs:group ref=" m.inter "/>

Model Group: m.para.content.norefs

Name m.para.content.norefs
XML Instance Representation
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [0..1]
End Choice
Start Choice [1]
<emph> emph </emph> [1]
End Choice
End Choice
End Choice
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [1]
<corpname> corpname </corpname> [1]
<famname> famname </famname> [1]
<geogname> geogname </geogname> [1]
<name> name </name> [1]
<occupation> occupation </occupation> [1]
<persname> persname </persname> [1]
<subject> subject </subject> [1]
<genreform> genreform </genreform> [1]
<function> function </function> [1]
End Choice
<date> date </date> [1]
<num> num </num> [1]
<origination> origination </origination> [1]
<repository> repository </repository> [1]
<unitdate> unitdate </unitdate> [1]
<unittitle> unittitle </unittitle> [1]
End Choice
End Choice
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [1]
<address> address </address> [1]
End Choice
End Choice
End Choice
Schema Component Representation
<xs:group name="m.para.content.norefs">
<xs:group ref=" m.phrase.basic.norefs "/>
<xs:group ref=" m.data "/>
<xs:group ref=" m.inter "/>

Model Group: m.phrase.bare

Name m.phrase.bare
Documentation m.phrase.bare: Endast formatering av text skall vara möjlig. Karin Bredenberg, 2006-08-21
XML Instance Representation
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [0..1]
End Choice
Start Choice [1]
<emph> emph </emph> [1]
End Choice
End Choice
Schema Component Representation
<xs:group name="m.phrase.bare">
<xs:choice minOccurs="0">
<--<xs:element name="ptr" type="ptr"/>-->
<--<xs:element name="extptr" type="extptr"/>-->
<xs:group ref=" m.render "/>

Model Group: m.phrase.basic

Name m.phrase.basic
Documentation m.phrase.basic: Ändrat så att endast formateringselementet emph är tillgängligt. Karin Bredenberg, 2006-08-21
XML Instance Representation
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [0..1]
End Choice
Start Choice [1]
<emph> emph </emph> [1]
End Choice
End Choice
End Choice
End Choice
Schema Component Representation
<xs:group name="m.phrase.basic">
<xs:group ref=" m.phrase.basic.norefs "/>
<--<xs:group ref="m.refs"/>-->

Model Group: m.phrase.basic.norefs

Name m.phrase.basic.norefs
Documentation m.phrase.basic.norefs: Endast formatering av text skall vara möjlig. Karin Bredenberg, 2006-08-21
XML Instance Representation
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [0..1]
End Choice
Start Choice [1]
<emph> emph </emph> [1]
End Choice
End Choice
End Choice
Schema Component Representation
<xs:group name="m.phrase.basic.norefs">
<xs:group ref=" m.phrase.bare "/>
<--<xs:element name="abbr" type="abbr"/>-->
<--<xs:element name="expan" type="expan"/>-->

Model Group: m.phrase.plus

Name m.phrase.plus
XML Instance Representation
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [0..1]
End Choice
Start Choice [1]
<emph> emph </emph> [1]
End Choice
End Choice
End Choice
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [1]
<corpname> corpname </corpname> [1]
<famname> famname </famname> [1]
<geogname> geogname </geogname> [1]
<name> name </name> [1]
<occupation> occupation </occupation> [1]
<persname> persname </persname> [1]
<subject> subject </subject> [1]
<genreform> genreform </genreform> [1]
<function> function </function> [1]
End Choice
<date> date </date> [1]
<num> num </num> [1]
<origination> origination </origination> [1]
<repository> repository </repository> [1]
<unitdate> unitdate </unitdate> [1]
<unittitle> unittitle </unittitle> [1]
End Choice
End Choice
Schema Component Representation
<xs:group name="m.phrase.plus">
<xs:group ref=" m.phrase.basic.norefs "/>
<xs:group ref=" m.data "/>
<--<xs:group ref="m.refs"/>-->

Model Group: m.refs

Name m.refs
Documentation m.refs: Ändrat så att endast de som har med ref att göra finns kvar. Karin Bredenberg, 2006-07-19
XML Instance Representation
Start Choice [1]
<ref> ref </ref> [1]
<extref> extref </extref> [1]
<bibref> bibref </bibref> [1]
<archref> archref </archref> [1]
End Choice
Schema Component Representation
<xs:group name="m.refs">
<xs:element name="ref" type=" ref "/>
<xs:element name="extref" type=" extref "/>
<--<xs:element name="linkgrp" type="linkgrp"/>-->
<xs:element name="bibref" type=" bibref "/>
<--<xs:element name="title" type="title"/>-->
<xs:element name="archref" type=" archref "/>

Model Group: m.render

Name m.render
Documentation m.render: endast valet emph ska vara möjlig. Karin Bredenberg, 2006-08-21
XML Instance Representation
Start Choice [1]
<emph> emph </emph> [1]
End Choice
Schema Component Representation
<xs:group name="m.render">
<xs:element name="emph" type=" emph "/>
<--<xs:element name="lb" type="lb"/>-->

Simple Type: av.level

Super-types: xs:token < av.level (by restriction)
Sub-types: None
Name av.level
  • Base XSD Type: token
  • value comes from list: {'file'|'fonds'|'item'|'otherlevel'|'series'|'subfonds'|'subseries'}
Documentation av.level: Tagit bort värdena för attributet level som innehåller sub. Karin Bredenberg 2006-07-18

av.level: Justerat så att endast värden enligt importkoden finns. Karin Bredenberg, 2006-07-19

av.level: Tagit till baka attributvärdena som innehåller sub frånsett subgrp. Karin Bredenberg 2006-08-10
Schema Component Representation
<xs:simpleType name="av.level">
<xs:restriction base=" xs:token ">
<--<xs:enumeration value="class"/>-->
<--<xs:enumeration value="collection"/>-->
<xs:enumeration value="file"/>
<xs:enumeration value="fonds"/>
<xs:enumeration value="item"/>
<xs:enumeration value="otherlevel"/>
<--<xs:enumeration value="recordgrp"/>-->
<xs:enumeration value="series"/>
<xs:enumeration value="subfonds"/>
<--<xs:enumeration value="subgrp"/>-->
<xs:enumeration value="subseries"/>

Simple Type: av.render

Super-types: xs:token < av.render (by restriction)
Sub-types: None
Name av.render
  • Base XSD Type: token
  • value comes from list: {'bold'|'italic'|'underline'}
Documentation av.render: Alternativen bold, italic samt underline är tillåtna formateringar. Karin Bredenberg 2006-08-21
Schema Component Representation
<xs:simpleType name="av.render">
<xs:restriction base=" xs:token ">
<--<xs:enumeration value="altrender"/>-->
<xs:enumeration value="bold"/>
<--<xs:enumeration value="bolddoublequote"/>-->
<--<xs:enumeration value="bolditalic"/>-->
<--<xs:enumeration value="boldsinglequote"/>-->
<--<xs:enumeration value="boldsmcaps"/>-->
<--<xs:enumeration value="boldunderline"/>-->
<--<xs:enumeration value="doublequote"/>-->
<xs:enumeration value="italic"/>
<--<xs:enumeration value="nonproport"/>-->
<--<xs:enumeration value="singlequote"/>-->
<--<xs:enumeration value="smcaps"/>-->
<--<xs:enumeration value="sub"/>-->
<--<xs:enumeration value="super"/>-->
<xs:enumeration value="underline"/>

Simple Type: data.repositorycode

Super-types: xs:token < data.repositorycode (by restriction)
Sub-types: None
Name data.repositorycode
  • Base XSD Type: token
  • pattern = (([\p{IsBasicLatin}-[\P{Lu}]]{2})|([\p{IsBasicLatin}-[\P{L}]]{1,4}))(-[\-:/\p{IsBasicLatin}-[^\p{L}0-9]]{1,11})
Schema Component Representation
<xs:simpleType name="data.repositorycode">
<xs:restriction base=" xs:token ">
<--\p{IsBasicLatin} -> a,b,c \P{Lu} -> a,b,c,1,2,3 \P{L} -> any letter ([\p{IsBasicLatin}-[\P{Lu}]]{2}) -> A,B,C,a,b,c (två tecken) alternativt ([\p{IsBasicLatin}-[\P{L}]]{1,4}) -> A,B,C,a,b,c (ett till fyra tecken) obligatoriskt bindestreck [\-:/\p{IsBasicLatin}-[^\p{L}0-9]]{1,11} -> A,B,C,a,b,c,1,2,3 (ett till elva tecken) -->
<xs:pattern value="(([\p{IsBasicLatin}-[\P{Lu}]]{2})|([\p{IsBasicLatin}-[\P{L}]]{1,4}))(-[\-:/\p{IsBasicLatin}-[^\p{L}0-9]]{1,11})"/>

Simple Type: yesorno

Super-types: xs:NMTOKEN < yesorno (by restriction)
Sub-types: None
Name yesorno
  • Base XSD Type: NMTOKEN
Schema Component Representation
<xs:simpleType name="yesorno">
<xs:restriction base=" xs:NMTOKEN "/>


Complex Type:

Schema Component Type


Schema Component Name
Super-types: Address < AusAddress (by extension)
  • QLDAddress (by restriction)
If this schema component is a type definition, its type hierarchy is shown in a gray-bordered box.
Name AusAddress
Abstract no
The table above displays the properties of this schema component.
XML Instance Representation
<... country="Australia" >
<unitNo> string </unitNo> [0..1]
<houseNo> string </houseNo> [1]
<street> string </street> [1]
Start Choice [1]
<city> string </city> [1]
<town> string </town> [1]
End Choice
<state> AusStates </state> [1]
<postcode> string <<pattern = [1-9][0-9]{3}>> </postcode> [1] ?

The XML Instance Representation table above shows the schema component's content as an XML instance.

Schema Component Representation
<complexType name="AusAddress">
<extension base=" Address ">
<element name="state" type=" AusStates "/>
<element name="postcode">
<restriction base=" string ">
<pattern value="[1-9][0-9]{3}"/>
<attribute name="country" type=" string " fixed="Australia"/>
The Schema Component Representation table above displays the underlying XML representation of the schema component. (Annotations are not shown.)


Abstract (Applies to complex type definitions and element declarations). An abstract element or complex type cannot used to validate an element instance. If there is a reference to an abstract element, only element declarations that can substitute the abstract element can be used to validate the instance. For references to abstract type definitions, only derived types can be used.

All Model Group Child elements can be provided in any order in instances. See: http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-1/#element-all.

Choice Model Group Only one from the list of child elements and model groups can be provided in instances. See: http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-1/#element-choice.

Collapse Whitespace Policy Replace tab, line feed, and carriage return characters with space character (Unicode character 32). Then, collapse contiguous sequences of space characters into single space character, and remove leading and trailing space characters.

Disallowed Substitutions (Applies to element declarations). If substitution is specified, then substitution group members cannot be used in place of the given element declaration to validate element instances. If derivation methods, e.g. extension, restriction, are specified, then the given element declaration will not validate element instances that have types derived from the element declaration's type using the specified derivation methods. Normally, element instances can override their declaration's type by specifying an xsi:type attribute.

Key Constraint Like Uniqueness Constraint, but additionally requires that the specified value(s) must be provided. See: http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-1/#cIdentity-constraint_Definitions.

Key Reference Constraint Ensures that the specified value(s) must match value(s) from a Key Constraint or Uniqueness Constraint. See: http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-1/#cIdentity-constraint_Definitions.

Model Group Groups together element content, specifying the order in which the element content can occur and the number of times the group of element content may be repeated. See: http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-1/#Model_Groups.

Nillable (Applies to element declarations). If an element declaration is nillable, instances can use the xsi:nil attribute. The xsi:nil attribute is the boolean attribute, nil, from the http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance namespace. If an element instance has an xsi:nil attribute set to true, it can be left empty, even though its element declaration may have required content.

Notation A notation is used to identify the format of a piece of data. Values of elements and attributes that are of type, NOTATION, must come from the names of declared notations. See: http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-1/#cNotation_Declarations.

Preserve Whitespace Policy Preserve whitespaces exactly as they appear in instances.

Prohibited Derivations (Applies to type definitions). Derivation methods that cannot be used to create sub-types from a given type definition.

Prohibited Substitutions (Applies to complex type definitions). Prevents sub-types that have been derived using the specified derivation methods from validating element instances in place of the given type definition.

Replace Whitespace Policy Replace tab, line feed, and carriage return characters with space character (Unicode character 32).

Sequence Model Group Child elements and model groups must be provided in the specified order in instances. See: http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-1/#element-sequence.

Substitution Group Elements that are members of a substitution group can be used wherever the head element of the substitution group is referenced.

Substitution Group Exclusions (Applies to element declarations). Prohibits element declarations from nominating themselves as being able to substitute a given element declaration, if they have types that are derived from the original element's type using the specified derivation methods.

Target Namespace The target namespace identifies the namespace that components in this schema belongs to. If no target namespace is provided, then the schema components do not belong to any namespace.

Uniqueness Constraint Ensures uniqueness of an element/attribute value, or a combination of values, within a specified scope. See: http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-1/#cIdentity-constraint_Definitions.
